Angrod/Caranthir: What does one do when one wakes up with a cousin?

Dec 27, 2005 11:23

So Angrod has been all of six years old this past week. While wee, he accomplished something which he never managed as an adult: he made great friends with his big cousin Caranthir. Enough for to get to sleep in the same bed.

Unfortunately, everyone has to grow up sometime.

[Angrod] *so. This would be Cara's room -- Cara's bed -- and there would be two elves snuggled up in it* *only now they're both adults*
[Caranthir] *shall be curled up with what he thinks is his weecousinhing*
[Angrod] *okay, so: the first sequence of thoughts upon beginning to wake up will likely go something like this* *mmngh, comfy* *comfy person* *who'sa comfy person?* *Caranthir* *hmm, Cara's comfy* *WAITOMEWTFCARANTHIR*
* Archangela is now known as Aredhel
[Aredhel] *-- obviously, not here*
[Angrod] *is ellipsing* *probably wouldn't notice if she was*
[Caranthir] *shall do something along the lines of 'mmm, cozyweecousinthing', snuggle* *wait, weecousinthing seems a bit larger then last night* *OME*
[Angrod] * he snuggling me??* *....* *turns around and sits up like, I don't even know what's going on yet, but I do know it's going to be the most embarassing experience of my life ever*
[Caranthir] *opens his eyes and it's only by the grace of Eru that he does not scream* *yet*
[Angrod] *okay Angy. Breathe* *.......................* ...Caranthir? *is trying desperately to remember how he got here* *thinks it might be working, which is worse*
[Caranthir] A... Angrod.
[Angrod] *this is fighting the urge to run away screaming, this right here* ...Well. Hi. *wishing he were either not here, or still asleep, or dreaming this* *ome*
[Caranthir] *hysterically* Hi. Cousin.
[Angrod] *brainmeltoverloadshutdown* *and here, the eternal question:* ...Why am I in your bed?
[Caranthir] You were six.
[Angrod] This makes it better how? I-- *heeere come the memories* Oh. Right. I was.
[Caranthir] It doesn't! I was Broked! Broked, I say!
[Caranthir] You ate crackers in my bed.
[Angrod] ... ... ... *this... might be slight amusion. Very, very slight* ...Sorry.
[Caranthir] Don't be. I much prefer crumbs to what the Ambarussa put there.
[Feanaro] [[Ambarussa: ... HEY!]]
[Caranthir] [[Cara: *gives them a Look*]]
[Feanaro] [[Ambarussa: *smile angelically*]]
[Caranthir] [[Cara: Ha. Ha. Ha. ]]
[Tyelkormo] [[Tyelko: ... *tackle the Ambarussa for Cara, as needs some good sparring*]]
[Angrod] *...really makes a valiant attempt not to smile or snort or snicker or anything... but that might be a faint quirk of the lips anyway* I certainly can't compare to the twins. *but is still broked, as even hysterical amusion can't negate the fact that he is in Cara's bed with Cara* *hasn't yet thought of getting out of the bed, but is daft like that* So. Um. Thanks. *>_<*
[Feanaro] [[Ambarussa: *try to beat Tyelko up, really]]
[Tyelkormo] [[Tyelko: *will dump them in the lake for their efforts, though it might take a lot of work on his part*]]
[Feanaro] [[Ambarussa: *are DEFINITELY not going to make that easy*]]
[Caranthir] The only ones who could possibly compare to them are the Peredhil and even then - I do not know who would win, save there would be nothing left of the place afterwards.
[Caranthir] *dancing around the subject of a cousin in his bed, whee*
[Angrod] *perfectly happy to dance around the subject... although any conversation with Cara that doesn't end in "STFU YOUR MOM" is weird in and of itself* *so snerks* I would not care to find out, either.
[Caranthir] *reaches over and finds the Santa hat* I think lit - this is yours.
[Angrod] ... *takes it, bemusedly* ...Thanks. *plays idly with the bobble -- some things never change*
[Caranthir] *smiles fondly, despite himself*
[Tyelkormo] Tyelko: Angrod and Caranthir, sitting in a tree, K-I-*smacked by typist*]]
[Angrod] *notices the smile and really, really doesn't know what to make of it* *colors slightly* ...Um. I should... probably... get out of your bed. Um. Yes.
[Caranthir] *flushes* I. Probably.
[Angrod] *totally... doesn't really want to* *this is because then he'll have to stop ellipsing and start thinking* *yeah, that's it. Really* *colors more* Right, then. *starts to untangle himself and climb out*
[Angrod] *in these circumstances, having to untangle one's leg's from one's cousin's is rather awkward, hi*
[Caranthir] *very awkward, yes*
[Angrod] *nice leg, though. ^_^* *okay, out of the bed* *completely and utterly at a loss for what to do now* *...plays with the bobble onna Santa hat*
[Caranthir] What does one do when one wakes up with a cousin? Breakfast?
[Angrod] ... ... ... ...Sure. Yes. Why not?
[Caranthir] ... Good. Tea?
[Angrod] DMTea? ...Sounds good.
[Caranthir] *goes and makes some, then*
[Angrod] *flails for a bit after Cara leaves* *like, really FLAILS*
[Caranthir] *returns with tea and breakfast things*
[Angrod] *is sitting on the bed, now* *can't help a wee smile as he comes in* *but stands up anyway*
[Caranthir] *smiles a bit shyly* Well.
[Angrod] *shy? shy? Typist just melted, thanks*
[Caranthir] *pours Angrod a cup*
[Angrod] *bites his lip trying to supress a smile* Thanks.
[Caranthir] You're welcome.
[Angrod] And... *it is so weird to be saying this to Cara, but* And for looking after me. *flushes, remembering the week in greater detail*
[Caranthir] *is blushing too* Of course. I - I would have not left you alone.
[Angrod] *doing his best not to be surprised* *rather failing, and berating himself for it* *takes his teacup* ...Well. Thanks anyway. *can't stop a smile this time, so compromises and makes it a wry one*
[Caranthir] *sips his tea* *oh look, sekkrit glances*
[Angrod] ... *...glances right back*
[Angrod] *actually, will catch one of Cara's glances, as if this wasn't awkward enough already*
[Caranthir] *oh hi, we can turn redder then certain brothers' hair*
[Angrod] *our games of make-believe are totally not quite at an end* *looks at him over his cup* ...
[Caranthir] ... good tea?
[Angrod] ... Yes. Very. *red like a red thing, and it isn't even in his name*
[Caranthir] Need sugar? Or honey?
[Angrod] *watch the typist choke and flail* *and this is not a squeak, although it probably should be* No. No, it's fine. Very good.
[Caranthir] Okay. Cheese?
[Angrod] *eyes the plate of breakfast food instead of Cara, for once* Jam and bread? *because as we're already drinking tea, this will bring us back to D'OH, which is the general sentiment around here*
[Caranthir] There's strawberry jam somewhere.
[Angrod] ...Strawberry's good. *sets his tea down, which was unfortunate, as he was hiding behind it* Shall I find it?
[Caranthir] That would be lovely.
[Angrod] *no. There is nothing special about the way Cara says "lovely"* *AUGH* *goes. to. find*
[Caranthir] *thinks Angrod has the best ass in Arda* *is rather horried to have this thought*
[Angrod] *you're staring again...* *flails around the kitchen a lot until he finds the jam and a spreading knife, and, apparently, two oranges for good measure* *takes a deep breath and goes back in*
[Caranthir] *Oh no, I - you do have a nice - * Ah. Oranges.
[Angrod] If you like. *tosses him one*
[Caranthir] *catches*
[Angrod] *totally smiles*
[Angrod] *and sits back down*
[Caranthir] *starts peeling so as to avoid Those Eyes*
[Angrod] *aha, but you can't get them out of your mind, can you?* *busies himself putting strawberry jam on bread*
[Caranthir] *why does distance make us wise* *nibbles*
[Angrod] *...we're elves. We'll never be wise. As for this, it was brought on by accidental snuggling, which isn't very distant, really. But.* *jamifies the bread, la la la* *if it helps, absently licks some off his fingers*
[Caranthir] *whimpers and fails to notice that was out loud*
[Angrod] *blinks, as failed to notice what he was doing, being a bit distracted* ...Are you alright?
[Caranthir] Yes. Why wouldn't I be?
[Angrod] ...You... whimpered.
[Caranthir] I did? ...
[Angrod] ...Yes. And I sort of want to see if I can make you do it again. I MEAN I DIDN'T THINK THAT EVER WHAT
[Caranthir] I must have been thinking of something. ... that was not smrt, self
[Angrod] ...Ah *and there's a question there, but rather too faint to merit the punctuation mark* Neither of us are very smrt
[Caranthir] *shall eat an orange slice*
[Angrod] *shall be in the act of eating bread-and-jam, and fumble it, getting jam on his nose, but too distracted to register this* *shall also sip tea, very calmly and deliberately, and try not to stare*
[Caranthir] ... *is weak and caves into typist-pressure and thus licks said jam off*
[Angrod] ... *blink* *blinkblink* *touches his nose and tries to look at it crosseyed*
[Caranthir] There was jam on your nose.
[Angrod] ... Oh.
[Angrod] *looks at Cara* ... *tries to look at his nose* ... *looks back at Cara* ... *kisses Cara*
[Caranthir] *oh my there's cousin!kissing *this is... good. very good* *we like this development*
[Angrod] *oh good, that makes two of us*
[Caranthir] *shall keep with the kissing*
[Angrod] *yes, let's* *let's actually step it up to snogging, because this has been thousands of years of UST, and we deserve it*
[Caranthir] *oh quite*
[Angrod] *these would be your traditional things like winding his fingers in Cara's hair and snogging thoroughly and drawing closer and... whimpers. Totally whimpers. In a good way*
[Caranthir] *oh yes, tradition is a fine thing* *is, of course, kissing back and hair stroking and ear-rubbing*
[Angrod] *is rather melting, then* *think they're going to need air soon?*
[Caranthir] *has excess lung capacity, huh*
[Angrod] *fine. Goes on snogging, and generally melting into a warm pile of elven goo*
[Caranthir] *is melting too*
[Caranthir] *and OME, breaks the kiss*
[Angrod] *that's nice. It would've been a shame for them to die of suffocation on the very first kiss*
[Angrod] *so opens eyes to look at him*
[Caranthir] *can you imagine the tabloid headlines* Hi. *goofy grin*
[Angrod] *would be grinning madly anyway, but beams to see that grin* Hey. *squeeing inside so much*
[Caranthir] *the light of Angrod's smile rivals that of the Trees* How're you?
[Angrod] *beams more, if that's possible* Good. Really good.
[Angrod] Yourself?
[Caranthir] Never been better. *kiss onna nose*
[Angrod] *squeehee* *laughs delightedly* Glad to hear it. Let's continue then, shall we?
[Caranthir] We shall. Though perhaps with less bedclothes?
[Angrod] *grin of grinny grinningness* Agreed.
[Angrod] *so. Totally kissing the totallycousin again*
[Caranthir] *totally kissing the - hey - yes, that*
[Caranthir] *may even be working out how to separate said cousin from his clothes*
[Angrod] *as said cousin is more than willing to be separated from the clothes, it shouldn't be that hard* *the real challenge will lie in separating him from you long enough to get them off* *, incidentally, working on a quite similar project ^_^*

angrod, caranthir

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