(no subject)

Dec 16, 2005 23:30

Phase One of the BDP of SIAL, officially set into motion. *mine is an evil laugh*

In which one (1) demon by the name of Mephistopheles tortures one (1) Phlegethon Hades, while in the body of his brother Lethe, and is incredibly sketchy in the process, Phlegethon bleeds a lot, Gabriel flips out, and there is a temporary breakup of sorts.

Warning for blood, sort-of incest, and...nipple.

Phlegethon: *la, enters and such*
* LetheMeph has joined #desperatefans
Phlegethon: *whee, we're just going to exist over here and wonder why we're even in here*
LetheMeph: *we're just going to-- well, yes. storm in, shall we?*
Phlegethon: ... *doesn't like Lethe, but wtf little brother* *arches an eyebrow* What's the matter with you?
LetheMeph: *tents his fingers, face very stern* Phlegethon Hades.
Phlegethon: ...Yes, that's my name. *looks rather puzzled*
LetheMeph: */glares/ at him in a very un-Lethe (and possibly un-human) way*
Phlegethon: ...All right, I know something is off. What have I done now?
LetheMeph: What have you done? /Gabriel./ That's what.
Phlegethon: ...How the hell do you know about that and why do you care?
LetheMeph: I heard. I hear more than you think. *vicious, mirthless grin, whose main purpose is to show teeth*
Phlegethon: I am very definitely sensing something strange here.
LetheMeph: It took you this long?
Phlegethon: No. I just thought I should mention it again. What is -wrong- with you?
LetheMeph: *almost smirks, before throwing all his weight into a punch*
Phlegethon: *punched! -- cringes, yes, and makes a quiet "oof" type of sound, but doesn't react all that much otherwise* Care to explain yourself?
LetheMeph: Oh, certainly. Follow me, will you?
Phlegethon: *is probably getting that sinking feeling of "yep, I'm doomed," but really isn't that inclined to avoid harm to his person at the moment* ...Fine.

Phlegethon: *...right, so. follows. LetheMephthing*
LetheMeph: *has dragged him to-- an empty room somewhere. Um, we can say that there are no windows, and things like chairs and a table or something here. ^_^*
LetheMeph: Lock the door.
Phlegethon: *that's shiny!* ...All... right. *this is an expression of "omgwtf," but turns and locks the door behind him*
LetheMeph: Thank you. *turns to face him, and steps up to him, looking him in the eye*
Phlegethon: *arches an eyebrow and looks right back at him* Well?
LetheMeph: *ruthless, ruthless smile* What do you think I'm going to do to you, Phlegethon?
Phlegethon: Given that I'm still slightly in the dark here, I'll go for the big picture and say that you're going to cause me lots and lots of pain before killing me.
LetheMeph: Exactly right.
Phlegethon: -Splendid-. Really. Any particular reason?
LetheMeph: You love my lover.
Phlegethon: ...You would be his demon, then. You know, I'd really rather not love him at all, if that counts for anything.
LetheMeph: *laughs, sharply* Neither would I. But once love sets in, there is nothing that can be done.
Phlegethon: Forgive my ignorance, but I don't see how this is grounds for killing me.
LetheMeph: It isn't.
Phlegethon: Then what is?
LetheMeph: *typist is going to say that he still has his mad demonmodding skillz, even if he's possessing someone, whee* *uses said skillz to supernaturally throw Phleg against the wall and chain him there*
Phlegethon: *thrown and chained!* ...Fine. Get on with it.
LetheMeph: I'll take as much time as I want to.
Phlegethon: Knock yourself out.
LetheMeph: *looks at him pensively and demonmods up a scalpel*
Phlegethon: *there is lackofresponse and, in fact, a general sort of lackofcaring thus far*
LetheMeph: *uses it simply to cut his shirt off*
Phlegethon: *watches rather blankly*
LetheMeph: *watches his face* *eyes the scalpel for a moment before demonmodding it away and instead demonmodding up some sulphuric acid in a beaker*
Phlegethon: *quirks an eyebrow slightly, but that's really it*
LetheMeph: *pours a small trickle down Phleg's chest, just enough to burn the skin, to observe the effect*
Phlegethon: *does his very best not to react at all, and if he has any skill other than torture, it's self-control*
LetheMeph: *considers this, but is not discouraged* *repeats the process*
Phlegethon: *flinches just very slightly, almost imperceptibly*
LetheMeph: *notices the flinch, because hey, demon* *grins and leans forward to lick the acid off his chest, repairing the damage to Lethe's tongue as he does*
Phlegethon: *will just return to looking carefully blank now. omgewlittlebrotherlicking-ewwwwwwwww-*
LetheMeph: *suddenly bites down on the burnt flesh*
Phlegethon: *okay, -cringes-*
LetheMeph: *-- and we'll just bite that /off/ and /chew/ it, won't we?*
LetheMeph: *grins and swallows*
Phlegethon: *breathing heavily now* ...-Bastard-.
LetheMeph: Astutely observed.
Phlegethon: I'm known for my observational skills.
LetheMeph: I understand why. *inserts a finger into the hole left by the eaten flesh, and not-so-gently probes whatever's there*
Phlegethon: *makes a very soft strangled sound under his breath. did we mention the excess of pain?*
LetheMeph: *smiles a bit at the sound, but* You are already breaking down? I've hardly begun.
Phlegethon: I haven't, and I'm not -going- to break down.
LetheMeph: Then I shall simply take pleasure in mutilating you.
LetheMeph: *scalpel, yay!*
Phlegethon: A demon after my own heart.
LetheMeph: Should I take that? --No, I will not kill you.
Phlegethon: You must have learned mercy from Gabriel.
LetheMeph: *sinks the scalpel into his side and pulls up, using the dull side to cut and not the sharp*
LetheMeph: You think this is merciful?
Phlegethon: *bites his lip hard against making any sort of sound and shakes his head*
LetheMeph: I would worry if you did.
LetheMeph: *pulls the scalpel mostly out of him, though uses the tip to cut a lazy arc up his chest*
Phlegethon: *through gritted teeth* It's called sarcasm.
LetheMeph: *flashes his teeth*
LetheMeph: *thoughtfully severs his left nipple*
LetheMeph: *flicks it off the scalpel onto the floor*
Phlegethon: *okay, -ow-* *makes that strangled sound again, just a little more loudly*
LetheMeph: *eyes him thoughtfully* What else should I do? *rhetorical, oui*
Phlegethon: You're asking the wrong person.
LetheMeph: Am I?
Phlegethon: You are. Trust me.
LetheMeph: I don't. Tell me, what did you do to Gabriel?
Phlegethon: Mostly I discovered what unholy water does to angels. And then I blackmailed him into sex. Whyever do you ask? *says all of this flatly, as though discussing the weather*
LetheMeph: I thought that turnabout may be fair play.
Phlegethon: Do tell.
LetheMeph: *raises an eyebrow* Tell me, how do you feel about incest?
Phlegethon: I'll tell you this. I'm -not- having sex with you. In that body or in any other.
LetheMeph: *laughs* That suits me. *however, /does/ lean up to kiss him briefly*
LetheMeph: *then wipes his mouth*
Phlegethon: *shudders slightly at that, yes, and very much not with the kissing back*
LetheMeph: I feel sorry for my lover.
Phlegethon: And why is that?
LetheMeph: You're a terrible kisser.
LetheMeph: I can't imagine you'd be very good in bed.
Phlegethon: You can't really know that, can you?
LetheMeph: I have no desire to ever learn the answer.
Phlegethon: Good. I have no desire to show you.
LetheMeph: It's a pity you slept with my lover. Otherwise, I might like you.
Phlegethon: Funny how that works out.
LetheMeph: Yes, indeed. *demonically shatters all the bones in his dominant hand*
Phlegethon: *cringes with a choked sound of hi, lots of pain, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath* You -- complete -- bastard.
LetheMeph: Is that a compliment?
Phlegethon: Normally? It would be.
LetheMeph: But not when what you have done to others is done to you, yes?
LetheMeph: *takes that hand and squeezes it*
Phlegethon: Of course. I never claimed not to be a hypocrite.
LetheMeph: *also, vows to make him scream at least once*
Phlegethon: *fjksldfjsdkfjafafjsldkfs. <-- actually, that's pretty much what the sound he just made sounds like*
LetheMeph: *kneads the hand*
Phlegethon: *breathes heavily, biting through his lip in his efforts -not- to scream*
LetheMeph: *presses one finger against Phleg's bitten lip*
Phlegethon: *-glares-, having rather failed in his bid to stay calm*
LetheMeph: *dabs at the blood and sticks his finger in his mouth*
LetheMeph: *er, samples the blood, that is*
Phlegethon: *...no, just glares, a lot*
LetheMeph: *smacks his lips* Not bad.
Phlegethon: I'm honoured. Really.
LetheMeph: That almost deserves another kiss.
Phlegethon: Please don't.
LetheMeph: Are you begging me not to?
Phlegethon: Nearly.
LetheMeph: *kisses his fingers and presses them to Phleg's lips*
Phlegethon: *twitches slightly and definitely hasn't stop glaring*
LetheMeph: *very suddenly demonmods the chains holding Phleggy there away*
Phlegethon: *almost collapses and has to brace himself against the wall with his good hand to stay upright* ...What are you doing?
LetheMeph: Letting you go.
Phlegethon: ... *disbelief is usually considered the proper term for this expression*
LetheMeph: I'm finished.
Phlegethon: ...I'm not going to protest. What does one say after this? Thanks for the pain, catch you later?
LetheMeph: If you want.
Phlegethon: Not really, no. I'm going to go and bleed profusely somewhere, if you don't mind.
LetheMeph: Not at all. *looks over him* I imagine Gabriel will heal you if you ask, at any rate.
Phlegethon: We'll see. *is just going to leave now, with as much dignity as possible. which isn't that much*

* crouchingtigerlurkingtypist is now known as Gabriel
Phlegethon: *la, is on his way out, then*
Gabriel: *...so, flamein and whatnot*
LetheMeph: *freezes*
Phlegethon: ... *did we mention the shattered handbones and the missing nipple and the scalpel and acid wounds? :D :D*
Gabriel: *...and, la, first thing he sees is bleeding!Phleggy* *eyes widen* *looks very slowly from Phlegethon to Meph and back, and back again*
LetheMeph: *it's all superficial damage--!*
Phlegethon: *still hurts like hell, kthx* ... *smiles weakly* Hello, angel.
LetheMeph: *does not show much emotion, except.. vulnerability.*
Gabriel: *surveys in silence a few more minutes, expression absolutely blank* *addresses both of them, but fixes his eyes firmly on Meph* *low* What happened? *...this? this is Gabriel sounding -dangerous-.*
LetheMeph: *oh, doesn't like that* *still, unapologetically, merely states* I tortured him.
Phlegethon: *studies his shattered!hand as an excuse to not look at either of them*
Gabriel: You -- *breaks off* You tor -- *and again* *and...tries to talk again, but...really can't form words and will settle for* /Why/?
LetheMeph: Because... *doesn't meet his eyes* I was angry and he deserved it.
Gabriel: *...the not-meeting-eyes thing is probably pretty good, because said eyes are -blazing-* *is silent a few more moments, then turns abruptly to Phlegethon, voice softening slightly* Give us a moment, please?
Phlegethon: *grins crookedly* Have a party. Or rather, don't. *leaves for the time being, then*
LetheMeph: *turns his face away from him, but doesn't speak or move to leave*
Gabriel: *watches the door a moment, then turns back to Meph, expression still frighteningly blank* *after a pause, speaks, still low and emotionless* ...Because he deserved it.
LetheMeph: *a little desperately* He /hurt/ you, angel.
Gabriel: He did. He took a piece of my shoulder and sliced Shakespearean verses into my arms. Do you see me at all moving to get revenge?
LetheMeph: You aren't a demon, Gabriel.
Gabriel: No! No, I'm not! *slightly frustrated, but still obviously holding back* But what makes you feel you have the -right- to decide which acts committed against me deserve avenging and which don't?
LetheMeph: *face hardens* Do you want to know?
Gabriel: Yes, I do! That's why I'm asking, isn't it?
LetheMeph: Because I was jealous of him.
Gabriel: *this is a lapse in fury to show utter disbelief* ...-Jealous-?
LetheMeph: Yes. Jealous, and protective. He slept with you. He took you, and he didn't even have the sense to treat you well when he did. And now he /loves/ you.
Gabriel: *this is still considerable disbelief* *thus, when he speaks, it'll be slightly strangled* ...There's...you don't have to...there's nothing to jealous -about-. And...anything he did can be blamed on me. I made a poor choice and the fault was entirely mine. *...he has guilt complexes the size of third-world countries*
LetheMeph: *has a hint of an "omgIshould'vebeenhere" complex, but...* *makes a small whimpery noise*
Gabriel: *expression falters for a second, but...for some reason is taking the damage done to Phlegethon personally* *and really, really does just want to cling to Meph and tell him it's all right, but...is also really hurt by this. don't ask the typist, really.* *...sighs, suddenly sounding exhausted, and turns around* ...I don't know what to say.
LetheMeph: Then say nothing.
LetheMeph: *looks at him sadly for a moment, then quickly hugs him and kisses the back of his neck* I love you.
Gabriel: *tenses at the first words, then tenses further and...is very, very close to completely breaking down* *with an obvious effort, lowers his head and pulls back, raising his eyes to meet Meph's briefly* You don't regret doing it?
LetheMeph: Torturing him? *bites his lip* I am if I've upset you.
Gabriel: *closes his eyes and turns away again, sighing heavily* I...I can't believe you would...I don't understand...*sighs again, and the effort to keep his voice steady is all but audible* ...I'm sorry. But I...I -can't-...
LetheMeph: I love you. There's nothing more than that. *watches him*
Gabriel: *this is an archangel who is very, very tense in an effort not to fall apart* *quietly* ...I love you, too. But...please. Forgive me. Right now, I...I -can't.-
LetheMeph: Of course. You've done nothing wrong, angel. This is my fault. *not especially repentant, however* If you want, I'll go and heal him as best I can.
Gabriel: *slight twitch* *and notices the lackofrepentance, which...doesn't help. at all.* No need. I'll do it.
LetheMeph: *brow furrows* Why does this bother you?
LetheMeph: *honestly Doesn't Get It*
Gabriel: *this is a slightly incredulous letting-out-of-breath* Why does it -- *turns, and...the typist isn't sure exactly what to call that emotion* He /loves/ me. And I know what it is to love. ...And more than that, I know what it is to love someone you cannot have. I don't want to hurt him the way I was hurt.
LetheMeph: *defensive* And you think I do not? I am a /demon/, Gabriel. What did you expect me to do?
Gabriel: I expect you to do me the service of keeping yourself in check! *pauses, eyes suddenly very sad* Can I not trust you to do that? I don't think I can. *the pain's obvious in his voice*
LetheMeph: Of course you can.
Gabriel: *gestures towards the door* So what was that, then?
LetheMeph: Envy. A Sin. I love you, but how can you expect me to be virtuous?
Gabriel: I /don't./ I'm not asking you to hold yourself entirely in check, but for my sake, can't you try on occasion?
LetheMeph: Ask me not to harm him again and I never will.
LetheMeph: Yes. I can.
Gabriel: *sighs and looks away again, closing his eyes* ...I'm sorry.
LetheMeph: *curious* Why?
Gabriel: Because...I can't. I can't. Right now...I can't trust you, nor can I trust myself.
LetheMeph: Of course not. *pauses* I understand, angel.
Gabriel: *sighs again* I...I don't think I...*pauses, then very bluntly and entirely without emotion* I don't want to see you for a few days.
LetheMeph: *winces, then nods* Of course.
Gabriel: I -- *breaks off and sighs again, still not turning around* ...Thank you.
LetheMeph: Please-- tell me when you want to see me again.
LetheMeph: *leaves*

gabriel, phlegethon hades, mephistopheles

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