Rosier and Bellatrix, spied on by Feanor

Dec 10, 2005 08:06

Session Start ( Thu Sep 15 16:58:35 2005

FEANOR: *looks up, rather surprised*

ROSIER: *enters cautiously*

FEANOR: *nods to Rosier, cautiosly*

ROSIER: *nods at Feanor, even more cautiously, if possible then decides to err on the side of respect* My lord...

FEANOR: Rosier. Is anything the matter?

ROSIER: No. Nothing. I'm relieved that certain people don't seem to be here.

MULCIBER: *walks in and nods to Elphie*

ROSIER: *sees Perry and smiles* Per?

FEANOR: Ah. *smirks slightly*

MULCIBER: Evan! *goes to him and hugs him*

ROSIER: *hugs him* I am so happy to see you.

MULCIBER: It's -wonderful- to see you... I missed you.

ROSIER: *blinks* You did?

MULCIBER: Yes! I did.

FEANOR: *wrinkles his nose at the now-cold tea*

ROSIER: *smiles* I missed you too. All of you.

MULCIBER: Are you doing well?

ROSIER: *nods carefully* Yes, mostly. Bored some.

MULCIBER: What with said oath?

ROSIER: It's harder to think of things to do when one must behave.

FEANOR: *looks mock-pityingly*

MULCIBER: I can understand that.
MULCIBER: How is Sly?

BELLA LESTRANGE: *stalks in and freezes on seeing Ev*

FEANOR: I can put you to work if you're bored, you know. OOOOH, look who's here!
FEANOR: *straightens up, carefully getting up from below Nolo's head, just in case*

ROSIER: *stares at Bella* Oh damn.

BELLA LESTRANGE: ... *cooly* Rosier.
BELLA LESTRANGE: *nods to Peril*

MULCIBER: *smallsmile at her*

FEANOR: *narrows eyes, slightly, still only watching, though*

ROSIER: *equally cooly* Madame Lestrange.

BELLA LESTRANGE: I wish to speak to you.

ROSIER: *to Perry* Can you wait a moment?

MULCIBER: *softly* ....Do you think it's safe?

ROSIER: I can handle myself if I must. *puts hand in pocket of his robe but look nervous*

MULCIBER: ...Right, then.

BELLA LESTRANGE: *waits, expressionless*

FEANOR: *waits, likewise*

ROSIER: *nods to Bella* Should we step outside?

FEANOR: *nonono, I can't watch you, then!*

BELLA LESTRANGE: Certainly. Wherever you are comfortable.

ROSIER: I am more comfortable here, but if this is going to be like last time, the fewer bystanders the better. *voice flat and still cold*

FEANOR: My, you're learning. I mean. Um.

BELLA LESTRANGE: The porch, then. *leads the way*

MULCIBER: *looks uncomfortable*

ROSIER: *nods*

FEANOR: You have no idea what this is about, so you shove it, please.


BELLA LESTRANGE: *stalks out and taps her foot*

ROSIER: *follows her slowly, both hands in pockets* You wanted to say something?

BELLA LESTRANGE: Yes. i wanted to apologise.

ROSIER: *blinks* Apologize? You? Will you pardon me if I don't quite believe you.

BELLA LESTRANGE: *snaps* Do you think I'd make a fool of myself by saying so if I didn't -mean- it?

ROSIER: I would think you'd do it so I'd be off my guard... apology accepted then. *frowns* Are we done now?

BELLA LESTRANGE: If you wish. *back to being cold and emotionless*

ROSIER: *pauses before turning back to the door* Why?


ROSIER: Why are you apologizing?

BELLA LESTRANGE: Because it upset Rodolphus. *expressionless*

ROSIER: I see. Thank you then. If you're civil, I can be, but... when Voldemort calls in his marks, don't expect me to just lie down and die.

BELLA LESTRANGE: I will be civil until he returns, for the sake of old times. i expect you to put up a fight, though. I'd be disappointed if you didn't.

ROSIER: *nods* Goodnight then, Bellatrix. Tell Roddy I said hello.

BELLA LESTRANGE: I shall. Adieu, Evan.

ROSIER: *nods again and goes back inside* *quickly because he doesn't like putting his back to her*

BELLA LESTRANGE: *follows a few moments behind him*


FEANOR: *stands at the door, or something*
FEANOR: *is back, really*

MULCIBER: ...Why did she think that she'd upset me...?

ELPHABA: Did she not?

FEANOR: *sits down again, next to Nolo*

MULCIBER: ...I... Yes. But... it wasn't her -fault-...

ELPHABA: She seemed to think so. Tell me your version.

ROSIER: *comes back inside*

BELLA LESTRANGE: *does, too*

ROSIER: *nods to Feanor and to Mulciber* *goes into the kitchen so the mun can leave*

FEANOR: *nods back*

Session Close (#desperatefans): Thu Sep 15 17:42:43 2005

Yes, it's old but I'm cleaning up and doing back up stuff.

evan rosier, bellatrix lestrange, mulciber, feanor

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