(no subject)

Dec 01, 2005 01:05

Andy was a treecat. Nimue figured this out all on her own. She gets a cookie.

Nimue: *comes in, shaking snow and ice from her cloak, and heads for
the kitchen*

black_treecat: *sees Nimue come in* *waves at her as she goes by*

Nimue: *looks at the strange treecat* Did the Manticorans bring in
another 'cat?
Nimue: *and heads into kitchen*

black_treecat: *... facepalm*

Nimue: *is microwaving popcorn*
Nimue: *assume enough time has gone by to produce popcorn, and comes
out and sits next to the 'cat with the bag of popcorn* This is a
wonderful invention, but from what I know of your kind, you already know about

Nimue: *offers the treecat a piece of popcorn*

black_treecat: *shakes head*

Nimue: You can't eat that?

black_treecat: *...just doesn't want any popcorn, really* *shrugs*

Nimue: I am sorry I cannot understand you. Where is your person?

black_treecat: *shakes head*
black_treecat: *sigh* *thinks for a moment* *umm......* *sits up
very straight* *taps his left arm* *points at Nimue* *taps his left arm

Nimue: I am your person?

black_treecat: *shakes head*
black_treecat: *ummm....*
black_treecat: *points at his arm* *tries to mime a broken arm*
black_treecat: *points at Nimue, and straightens out his arm*

Nimue: *stares at the 'cat a bit* I do not remember healing a broken
treecat. *blinks* Master Venizelos?

black_treecat: *nodnodnod!*

Nimue: Oh, no!
Nimue: And your companion?

black_treecat: *confused headtilt* *...oh, you mean Scotty?*

Nimue: Master Tremaine? Is he also a treecat now?

black_treecat: *shakes head*

Nimue: That is good, at least. Can you still read and write?

black_treecat: *nodnod*

Nimue: I should tie a scroll to your neck, along with one of those
marvelous "pens" you future folk use.

black_treecat: *perk* *nod!*

Nimue: *goes to plothole, and finds something better, one of those
notebook necklaces with an attached pen* Would this help you?

black_treecat: *nodnod!*

Nimue: *puts it around his neck* Can you get to it easily?

black_treecat: *nod!* *takes a moment awkwardly working out holding
the pen with a treecat!hand* *writes: "Thank you so much"*

Nimue: You are welcome.

black_treecat: *writes: "It's very frustrating being unable to
communicate. I'm also apparently the only one who fully kept my own mind when
I changed."*

Nimue: Others have changed? Did that include any of our knights? And,
to tell you truly, your mind and a treecat mind are much the same, or so
I have learned from speaking to you and others. They are like...well,
like the elves and fairies--not human, but with intelligent minds.

black_treecat: *nodnod* *writes: The only ones I know who have changes
are Rafe Cardones, Alistair McKeon and Jared Sutton, all naval officers
from where I'm from. And yes, treecats are very intelligent, Nimitz
changed too but he's a human now. He's at least as smart as most people
I know."

Nimue: Nimitz? Your lady's companion, correct? *laughs* And how is he
liking the change?

black_treecat: *nodnod* *Writes: "He likes it, I think. It was
helpful because he at least knew who I was"*

Nimue: I have heard that his wife is here. How is his wife liking it?

black_treecat: *writes: "I don't know, I haven't seen her since she

Nimue: Well, I am sure they will work something out. Do you know what
changed you?

black_treecat: *looks sheepish* *writes: "There were brownies in the
kitchen and I ate one. They're what changed the others, too, except for
Nimitz. He didn't know how he changed."*

Nimue: It may have been a potion of some sort. I will work on trying to
change you back. I won an evening with one Master Snape in an "auction"
and he is an expert at this sort of thing. We will speak soon.

black_treecat: *perks!* *writes: "That would be wonderful, thank you.
I just hope the others turn back soon, Rafe is enough of a puppy when
he's human"* *'Cat!laugh*

Nimue: I will see what I can do. You say he is a dog? Not a treecat?
Nimue: What did the rest turn into?

black_treecat: *writes: "A bear, dog, and kitten. Well, that was what
they ended up as, every time tried a brownie they changed into
something else. I think they thought it would change them back."*

Nimue: This makes things more complicated.

black_treecat: *nodnod* *sigh* *writes: "Of course, changing the
others back means we have to keep Rafe from chasing Jared again. Or his
own tail. Again."* *amusion*

Nimue: That must have been quite amusing. If they chase each other when
human, it will be even more amusing.

black_treecat: *treecat!laugh* *nodnod*

Nimue: These are your younger officers?

black_treecat: *thinks for a moment* *writes: "Jared is, yes, but Rafe
is actually older than I am and senior to me, because of my death."*

Nimue: At least you kept your head. But what happened to your

black_treecat: *writes: "He was the bear. He wasn't himself, but he
did try to separate Jared and Rafe when they were fighting. And Jared
saluted him, as a kitten."* *laughs*

Nimue: The young one has proper respect, then. *laughs*

black_treecat: *writes: "He's a nice kid, just very uncertain when he's
on his own."*

Nimue: This place should cure him of that.

black_treecat: *writes: "I hope so, before something happens to him.
Warner and I had to rescue him the other day, and it's hard to explain
to a kid not to go near the creepy vampiric man when you can't talk"*

Nimue: I will tell him to watch out if I see him. If he must go off
with strange creatures, it will be me he goes off with. *laughs*

black_treecat: *laughs* *writes: "Thank you. He's a good kid, he just
needs to know how to walk away from a bad situation."*

Nimue: I hope someone will teach him, then.

black_treecat: *nodnod* *writes: "I'll try at least, it helps that I
can talk to him now."* *'cat!grins and taps pad*

Nimue: *laughs* That does help.

black_treecat: *bleeks and nods*

Nimue: *pets Andycat* Does this annoy you?

black_treecat: *shakes head* *purrs a bit without really realizing
that he is*

Nimue: *laughs softly and continues petting* At least you are letting
me do this -now-.

black_treecat: *questioning eartwitch*

Nimue: Oh, nothing. *skritches him between the ears*

black_treecat: *raises eyebrow* *yes, can do this as a 'cat, shh*
black_treecat: *but doesn't do anything more than that cause is all
melted cause that feels really nice*

Nimue: *notices his reaction and keeps on petting*

black_treecat: *purr*

Nimue: You really like that. *keeps petting*

black_treecat: *refuses to dignify that with a response* *or could
just be enjoying it too much to bother with writing something on the pad*

Nimue: I imagine you are quite warm to sleep next to, as well.

black_treecat: *would shrug, but too much effort* *flicks ear*

Nimue: *keeps petting* I wonder if you are like this in your normal

black_treecat: *not so much, no* *as far as as his mun knows anyway*

Nimue: *softly, and still petting* Perhaps you would be better off
staying like this....

black_treecat: *raises head just enough to give Nimue a "no, I really
don't think so" Look, then drops his head back on the couch and
continues purring like a buzzsaw*

Nimue: *laughs* I am just teasing you.

black_treecat: *twitches the end of his tail a little* *Good*

Nimue: *laughs at his twitching* I do like this, though. I am very
relaxed now. And you?

black_treecat: *nod* *purrrr*

Nimue: *just sits there, quietly petting the 'cat*

black_treecat: *purrpurrpurr*

Nimue: *scritches him on the head again* You lovely creature...

black_treecat: *purrrrsigh*

Nimue: I am surprised that everyone else has not been petting you.

black_treecat: *lazilly reaches out and scribbles on the pad "not
petting, just poking"*

Nimue: They should not be poking you at all. *yawns, and continues

black_treecat: *sleepy nod* *purrpurrpurr*

Nimue: We should probably go to bed, no?

black_treecat: *toothy yawn* *nod*

Nimue: *picks him up* Back with me?

black_treecat: *sleepy nod* *purrrrsnuggle*

Nimue: I would leave a note, but you will be in safe hands. *carries
him out, and away to the lake*

black_treecat: *is carried out with Nimue* *and is only semi-concious
at this point so will probably be terribly snuggly*

peeking: [awww]

nimue, andy venizelos

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