Okay. Short log, but...fairly important. So we have Meph dewinging Gabriel, Raphael discorporating Meph, JohnBoy getting pissed off, Raphael unable to hurt him because he is under Michael's protection, Raphael taking it out on Chas, and JohnBoy dewinging Raphael for it.
And here we have the vengeance of wingless!emo!Gabriel. Fun stuff, no?
Gabriel: *flames in* *with a vengeance* *a wingless broken emo vengeance, but a Heaven of a vengeance anyway*
Gabriel: *...and spots a JohnBoy* *low and growled, but audible to him* -Constantine!-
Constantine: ... fuck. *winces at Gabriel*
Gabriel: *storms. the. hell. over. there.*
Constantine: *sighs* What?
Gabriel: *...wastes no time and grabs his throat, dragging him just outside the mansion*
Constantine: *tries to pull free* The fuck -- let go!
Gabriel: *doesn't let him pull away*
Constantine: *tries to kick at him*
Gabriel: *keeps his grip strong and is really, insistantly dragging, and...is not letting go or backing down, no matter what* *probably got a few kicks landed, though*
Constantine: *kicks out again* Gabriel! Stop!
Gabriel: I will not. *gives up and just poofs outside, still holding his throat*
Constantine: At least tell me why you're strangling me?
Gabriel: *now that they're outside, shoves JohnBoy against a wall of the mansion, still holding his throat* You. *hisses*
Constantine: Yeah, me.
Gabriel: What did you -do-?
Constantine: What did I do to /whom/?
Gabriel: *growls* Raphael.
Constantine: He almost killed my friend.
Gabriel: That. Was. No. Excuse.
Constantine: When I found him he was almost dead!
Gabriel: There is never an excuse for what you did!
Gabriel: *might be biased*
Constantine: I gave him fair warning.
Gabriel: *bitter laugh* You understand nothing, Constantine.
Constantine: What is it I don't understand?
Gabriel: The -pain-.
Constantine: I do understand. I had it done to me.
Constantine: Or very nearly.
Gabriel: You -cannot- understand what it is to an angel.
Gabriel: *is shaking with rage*
Constantine: If you're going to kill me, then kill me. I'm not in the mood for a fight.
Gabriel: *growls* Fine. *angelmods up flaming sword and, without ceremony, drives it through his heart*
Constantine: *and we're ded*
Constantine: *... again*
Gabriel: *flames out once he finishes, presumably to totally -shatter- somewhere*
Gabriel: *...again*