(no subject)

Nov 19, 2005 16:42


* Hastur has joined #desperatefans
* X sets mode: +o Hastur
Hastur: *flameys inno*
Nemesis: *yaaaaaaay*
Nemesis: *Um. Wave.*
Hastur: *wave back* Hey.
Nemesis: Hi.
Hastur: What's up?
Nemesis: Not much. I got to see Meta freak out.
Hastur: ... What'd he freak out about?
Nemesis: He kind of figured out I was hurt because I kept flinching whenever he touched me.
Hastur: Oh. Not good.
Nemesis: Not really. But I'm fine, I promise. Really.
Hastur: Hey, I believe you.
Nemesis: Thank you. *Sigh of relief*
Hastur: You're tough. It's not like you're a pushover or anything.
Nemesis: ....I'm stupid.
Hastur: No you *aren't*.
Nemesis: ...I really am. *Wrinkles nose*
Hastur: You really aren't. I've seen stupid. You are not it.
Nemesis: I really am, though. I thik that was one of the stupidest things I've done in a while.
Hastur: It wasn't stupid. You knew what you want, you knew how to get it. It was prudent.
Nemesis: ...but stupid.
Hastur: Did you get what you were after?
Hastur: [Other than hawt Zeus smex, acourse. ;)]
Nemesis: Well, yes.
Hastur: So there you go. You won. You're not stupid. It was pretty smart, really.
Nemesis: It wasn't worth it.
Hastur: It wasn't?
Nemesis: *Shakes head*
Hastur: Why not?
Nemesis: Because I feel horrible. And not just psychically.
Hastur: Oh?
Nemesis: *Nods*
Hastur: Why's that?
Nemesis: It's kind of hard to explain.
Hastur: Do your best?
Nemesis: Because of what I did and who I did it with, I guess.
Hastur: Yeah. Kinda skeevy.
Nemesis: Gee, thanks.
Hastur: Not *you*, *him*.
Hastur: I would have done it for you.
Nemesis: ....I wouldn't have let you.
Hastur: How would you have stopped me?
Nemesis: ....I really don't know, and I don't want to think about it, really.
Hastur: Okay.
Nemesis: But....yes. That's why I feel bad, I think. Partially, at least. I think.
Hastur: *nods* Because Zeus is a creepy creepy guy.
I thought you said you do this on your spaceships*
Nemesis: I know from experience. *Shudder*
Hastur: Yeah. I'm... sorry you had to deal with that.
Nemesis: You shouldn't be sorry. I should be sorry for being stupid. *nod*
Hastur: I still say you weren't stupid.
Nemesis: Oh, well, I guess we have to agree to disagree. And I'm still sorry to you, even though I'm not sure why.
Hastur: *shrugs* Apology accepted, then.
Nemesis: *Bites lip and grins slightly* Excellent.
Hastur: *nods and grins* Surely.
Nemesis: It's nice to talk to someone who isn't overprotective every once in a while.
Hastur: *laughs* Well, with all the time you spend around Rave and Clancy, no wond--*blinks at Jaenelle* Er. No problem.
Nemesis: Well, yes. *Blinks, too, hm*
Hastur: I am about as far from overprotective as you can get.
Nemesis: Are you?
Hastur: Well, sure.
Nemesis: Oh, okay.
Hastur: I mean, granted, I'm not gonna feed you to a *lion* or anything..
Nemesis: You should.
Hastur: ...Why?
Nemesis: Because you're not supposed to like me.
Hastur: Why not? What's stopping me?
Nemesis: ....your demon-ness?
Hastur: What's undemonic about liking a pagan goddess?
Nemesis: The liking part?
Hastur: Nah, liking's still okay, I think.
Hastur: Just have to be, y'know, careful with it.
Nemesis: See, that's why you should feed me to a lion.
Hastur: Think I'll pass.
Nemesis: No, but seriously. You should, because then you can't get in trouble for liking me, or in the off chance that something else happens, you can't get in trouble for that, either.
Hastur: Nothing else is going to happen.
Nemesis: I said off chance. It's not possible, anyway, is it?
Hastur: There is no off chance. Nothing else is going to happen. End of story.
Nemesis: Of course not. *Dramatic sigh*
Hastur: Exactly.
Nemesis: Tragic, really.
Hastur: I wouldn't go *that* far.
Nemesis: Oh, not at all.
Hastur: Right.
Nemesis: It's still tragic. *Pretends to faint*
Hastur: ...What's so tragic about it?
Nemesis: ....can't tell you that. *Pretends to still be fainted*
Hastur: *arches an eyebrow* Why not?
Nemesis: Because. It's a secret.
Hastur: Secret.
Nemesis: Oh, yes.
Hastur: What kind of secret?
Nemesis: One that I can't tell?
Session Start: Sat Nov 19 00:00:01 2005
Session Ident: #desperatefans
Hastur: I won't tell if you tell!
Nemesis: *Sits up* It's tragic because if someone loves you, you can't love back.
Hastur: ....Who would love *me*?
Nemesis: *Shrugs and rests chin on knees* You never know.
Hastur: *plops down in a chair* No, I know.
Nemesis: No you don't.
Hastur: ... I don't?
Nemesis: *Shakes head*
Hastur: Why do you say *that*?
Nemesis: *Raises and eyebrow* *Pretends to faint again*
Hastur: Ah declare! The laaay-deee's done fainted!
Nemesis: Oh, yes. I mean. Cricket chirp.
Hastur: Right. Should I dump water on you?
Nemesis: ....I'm already cold enough.
Hastur: Point.
Nemesis: Thank you. I think I'll stay nice and fainted untill you stop being stupid, now.
Hastur: .... I'm not being *stupid*.
Nemesis: Lalalala, fainted people can't hear.
Hastur: Yeah, lucky for me you aren't fainted.
Nemesis: Lalala.
I'm -hungry-.
Hastur: I'd say stop being stubborn, but I don't want you to stop being stubborn.
Nemesis: Why's that? *Softly hums Castle On a Cloud*
Hastur: Because you're fun.
Nemesis: You're a moron. *Sings...something*
Nemesis: [...not really. XD]
Hastur: I am not a moron.
Nemesis: Mooroooon. *Singage*
Hastur: Why am I a moron?
Nemesis: *Laughs* ...ow, that hurt.
Hastur: ....What/
Nemesis: ....what?
Hastur: [/=?]
Hastur: Why am I a moron?!
Nemesis: ..........*Sings something else. Like, On My Own or something. You decide. My brain is broken.*
Hastur: Why are you singing showtunes?
Nemesis: Because I like them. *Yes. On My Own is stuck in the typist's head, anyway*
Hastur: Ah.
Hastur: Fainted people don't sing, though.
Nemesis: Good for you I'm not fainted, then.
Hastur: Ha!
Nemesis: .....moron.
Hastur: Do I *look* like Clancy?
Nemesis: No. But apparently you can be just as stupid.
Hastur: I am *not*!
Nemesis: ....Fine. You're just as....unperceptive?
Hastur: Unperceptive? I'll have you know I'm *very* perceptive.
*heading for kitchen, then to pantry to fetch packages of instant noodles, and starts boiling water*
Nemesis: Then why are we going through this?
Hastur: What are you talking about/
Hastur: *?
Nemesis: ................
Hastur: Okay. Apparently I *am* being stupid.
Nemesis: Oh, thank you!
Hastur: Now can you please help me figure out *why*?
Nemesis: *Sigh* Think about it?
Hastur: I don't want to think about it.
Nemesis: Why not?
Hastur: I'm afraid I'll figure it out.
Nemesis: ...feed me to the lions.
Hastur: *shakes his head* No.
Nemesis: You should.
Hastur: Probably.
Nemesis: Oh, so you are thinking?
Hastur: *stares at the ceiling* Probably.
Nemesis: Is that good or bad?
Hastur: I don't know. I should know better, though.
Nemesis: So really? Feed me to the lions.
Hastur: No.
Nemesis: Lock me in a closet?
Hastur: Bad idea.
Nemesis: Why?
Hastur: Because I'd be tempted to lock myself in with you.
Nemesis: *Blinks at him* Really?
Hastur: *nods*
Nemesis: *Sighs and looks at him*
Hastur: *continues staring at the ceiling... probably just to distinguish himself from that floor-staring agnel*
Hastur: *angel
Nemesis: I could always lock myself in a closet for you.
Hastur: No.
Nemesis: Tie me to a chair and throw me in a river?
Hastur: .... No.
Nemesis: You really don't want to get rid of me, do you?
Hastur: I really don't.
Nemesis: Why not?
Hastur: ... I think you know why.
Nemesis: Which should be why you'd want to get rid of me.
Hastur: Yeah, but it kinda makes an end run around what *should* be, doesn't it/
Nemesis: Maybe?
Hastur: *niiiice ceiling*
Nemesis: *Sigh and buries face in a pillow* I'm sorry.
Hastur: Sorry for *what*?
Nemesis: I'll give you three guesses. *Hiding in the pillow is fun*
Hastur: Just as much my fault.
Nemesis: ....I don't want you to get in trouble.
Hastur: I won't.
Nemesis: ....*Looks up* You can't be sure.
Hastur: You're right.
Nemesis: *Slight groan and goes back to hiding in the pillow*
Hastur: Still not your fault.
Hastur: I don't want to get... found out on this. But if I do... I think it might be worth whatever happens.
Nemesis: ........
Hastur: *risks glancing away from that FASCINATING ceiling* What/
Nemesis: ...I don't know.
Hastur: Neither do I. Neither do I.
Nemesis: *Sigh* I have to go.
Hastur: *nods* All right. I'll see you around.
Nemesis: Bye.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Nov 19 00:55:17 2005

hastur, nemesis

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