Yay dewinging! Glee! Or something.

Oct 22, 2005 15:36

Mwahahah. Er. Anyway.

[01:17] Hastur> *floofs in*
[01:17] Meta-sleeping> *onna couch, sleeping, clutching a pillow. a flaming pillow.*
[01:18] Nemesis> *Is napping on a kitchen counter ifyou want to wake her up*
[01:18] Meta-sleeping> *can, of course, be woken up, but dunno if Hastur wants to do that X3*
[01:18] Nemesis> [Meta go smash?]
[01:18] Meta-sleeping> [Nah, he'll be fine. I mean, I dunno if Hastur has any desire to talk to Meta. XD]
[01:19] Hastur> *looks at Meta and the flaming pillow for a bit and frowns*
[01:20] Meta-sleeping> Mmph. *hugs his pillow tighter*
[01:20] Hastur> *murmurs* Cute.
[01:21] Hastur> *demonmods up a white teddy bear with wings and a little sparkly halo which he carefully sets next to Meta before wandering into the kitchen*
[01:21] * Rapunzel has joined #desperatefans
[01:22] Meta-sleeping> [HI SQ]
[01:22] Nemesis> *Asleep. On the counter*
[01:23] Hastur> *quietly* Er.. Nem?
[01:23] Nemesis> ....*Blinks* Hi.
[01:24] Hastur> *leans on the doorframe* Sorry to wake you.
[01:24] Nemesis> *Shrug* It's alright.
[01:26] Hastur> I meant what I told 'em, y'know.
[01:27] Nemesis> Really?
[01:27] Hastur> *nods* I don't.. I don't wanna hurt you over.. whatever this is.
[01:28] * Ligur has joined #desperatefans
[01:28] Nemesis> *Sits up* *Shrugs*
[01:28] Hastur> *standing in the doorway to the kitchen*
[01:29] Ligur> *marches in looking seriously pissed, for lack of a decent metaphor, with a carefully wrapped vial in one hand*
[01:29] Hastur> *spins* ... Ligur.
[01:29] Meta-sleeping> *IS A HEAVY SLEEPER :D*
[01:30] Ligur> *sneers, with all the contempt he's capable of - that is, quite a lot indeed* /Hastur./
[01:30] Nemesis> *Sighs*
[01:30] Hastur> *narrows his eyes* That's _Prince_ Hastur t'you.
[01:33] Ligur> *takes a moment to try to think of a decent insult* *gives up* Prince _this_. *throws the vial, with enough spite to make up for aim, at Hastur's wings*
[01:34] Hastur> *SHRIEK OF UNHOLY DOOM*
[01:35] Nemesis> *Ow. Unholy doom. Wince*
[01:35] Nemesis> [WRONG BUTTON?]
[01:36] Meta-sleeping> *okay, it makes no logical sense that a Meta would sleep through this. so* ...mmf? *stirs* S'happening?
[01:36] * Meta-sleeping is now known as Metatron
[01:36] Ligur> *smirks in grotesque pleasure* Prince, shmp-- shmri-- ...yeah, fuck prince.
[01:37] Hastur> *falls to his hands and knees, gritting his teeth tightly as his back kinda sizzles unpleasantly* You... *bastard*...
[01:38] Ligur> *looks surprised, and genuinely pleased* Why, thank you!
[01:38] Hastur> *raises eyes to glower* Not in the good way.
[01:38] Ligur> I should hope not. I'll leave all things GOOD, to you.
[01:39] Hastur> *squeezes his eyes closed* Right, Ligur. I 'ad this coming.
[01:41] Ligur> Yeah. Damned right you did. Fuckin' -barstard-.
[01:41] Metatron> *rolls off the couch and blinks at the teddy bear* ... *picks up said teddy bear, gets to his feet, blinks even -more- at inpain!Hastur and Ligur* ...um.
[01:43] Hastur> *looks up with a bit of a sneer* So. Jealous?
[01:45] Ligur> Jealous? Jealous?? Jealous of some _wingless_, pathetic little lovelorn - .... worm?
[01:46] Hastur> *pushes himself slowly up to his knees, cringing as he does so* Yeh. Jealous. Dat I still have a bit of what we lost.
[01:47] Ligur> What we l... there's no WE, there was never a WE, not if you -- *slams his fist into a wall* *wall: holy, shall we say?* You don't -get- it!
[01:48] Hastur> No. I guess there wasn't. I meant in *general*. Not you 'n' me specific. But it don't matter. You did what you wanted. Feel better?
[01:50] Ligur> *sourly* Yes. You double-crossing rat.
[01:51] Rapunzel> *....finds a tower to perch in*
[01:52] Hastur> Yeh. Right. Good on you. You done now?
[01:52] Ligur> ...Be better if you writhed and moaned a bit more.
[01:53] Metatron> ... *la. let's watch in horror now, shall we?*
[01:53] Hastur> *grits his teeth* Neh. It'd hurt way too much to move that much.
[01:55] Ligur> *smiles verrrry slooowly* Excellent. */Mr Burns*
[01:55] Hastur> *manages a faint smirk* Miss me writhing and moaning, hm?
[01:56] Ligur> .............................*laughs* *not a pretty sound* See, that's a bit more like yer old self.
[01:58] Hastur> ... Right. *takes a ragged breath* Fuck off, Ligur. *passes out, much to the surprise of the TYPIST, but, hey, I just write the stuff*
[01:58] Metatron> ...
[01:58] Metatron> *blinks*
[01:59] Ligur> ...*smirks*
[01:59] Metatron> *sighs and glances at Ligur* Go away, demon.
[02:00] Ligur> *sticks his tongue out childishly at Meta* Make me.
[02:00] Metatron> *shrugs, holds up a glass of holy water* If you want.
[02:03] Ligur> *flinches instinctively back, holding up both hands as if to pointlessly ward off the water* 'm goin', 'm goin'-- but you'd do well to take care of your precious Hasty, if yer such good friends wif 'im.
[02:03] Hastur> [Hastur: ..............*CHOKE*]
[02:04] Metatron> ...You could call him a friend, I suppose. *headtilt* Good night. *strangely civil to demons, I guess*
[02:04] Hastur> [Hastur: .. CLANCY. DON'T RUIN MY REPUTATION!]
[02:04] Ligur> *that will be his downfall* *ahaha. we pun.*
[02:04] Ligur> [...Clancy?]
[02:04] Metatron> [...Clancy. XD]
[02:04] Hastur> [Er.. That's Hastur's strange and bizarre nickname for Meta.]
[02:04] Nemesis> [CLANCY!]
[02:04] Metatron> [Rave is Famine, Clancy is Meta. XD]
[02:04] Hastur> [One day he decided to annoy him by being.. 'The Metatron' is a TITLE. You need a NAME! How's Clancy?']
[02:05] Ligur> [Whoa.]
[02:05] Hastur> [I was amused.]
[02:05] Metatron> [Remember Blondo?]
[02:05] Hastur> [Meta was just like... wtfshutupdemon.]
[02:05] Hastur> [...... Faintly.]
[02:06] Metatron> [That was back when they were mortal enemies! :D]
[02:06] Ligur> [Immortal enemies.]
[02:06] Hastur> [Yes. Immortal enemies.]
[02:06] Metatron> [...true.]
[02:06] Ligur> ...*uncertainly* Good n-- ...riddance. .... *poof*
[02:07] Metatron> *quickly kneels next to Hastur and touches his arm tentatively* ...Demon?
[02:08] Hastur> *stirs slightly* Ligur?
[02:08] Metatron> He's gone. How much does it hurt?
[02:08] Ligur> *oh. is gone. yeah.*
[02:08] * Ligur has quit IRC (Quit)
[02:09] Hastur> More'n I thought it would.
[02:09] Metatron> Mmm. I remember. Do you want me to try and help?
[02:09] Nemesis> *Sighs and sits next to them*
[02:10] Hastur> *shakes his head a little, closing his eyes* Deserve it.
[02:10] Metatron> *frowns* Deserve it? What makes you think that?
[02:11] Nemesis> Twisted demon mentality.
[02:13] Hastur> Something like that..
[02:14] Metatron> If you can't give me a good reason not to, I'm going to try to heal you.
[02:14] Rapunzel> [pleaseletitnotworkcositwasholywaterthatdewingedhim?somehoworsomething? :) :) :) ?]
[02:15] Hastur> [Sure!!!!! XDDD]
[02:15] Metatron> [Sure, that makes as much sense as anything! :D]
[02:15] Hastur> ....don't.
[02:15] Metatron> *exhales frustratedly* Why not?
[02:16] Hastur> Told you why not!
[02:16] Metatron> Then tell me why you think you deserve it.
[02:17] Hastur> It ain't demonic, what I did.
[02:17] Rapunzel> [Cos he broke Ligur's heart. Except, not. Cos the heart isn't quite the organ he uses.]
[02:17] Metatron> [...Can that be broken?]
[02:18] Metatron> Yes, well, I do a lot of things that aren't angelic. Nobody deserves to have their wings taken, Hastur.
[02:18] Hastur> [XDDD]
[02:19] Hastur> He didn't take 'em. They just kinda.. melted.
[02:19] Metatron> You know what I mean.
[02:19] Hastur> Right.
[02:20] Metatron> Look, I don't think you deserve this. I don't think anyone does.
[02:20] Hastur> Sure. Do what you want, angel, I can't stop you.
[02:21] Metatron> *touches Hastur's arm again, and attempts to heal with... mad angel powers. does that for a while. fails* ...I'm sorry, I don't... it doesn't seem to be working. *wilts slightly*
[02:22] Hastur> *tensing noticeably as the residual holy water apparently decides to do a WHEE ANGELMODDING jig*
[02:22] Metatron> *eyes widen* It -- I'm sorry, did I... make it worse?
[02:23] Hastur> *hisses a bit* Holy water.
[02:24] Metatron> Oh -- oh. I'm sorry. Then... *bites his lip* I can at least bandage the wounds...
[02:24] Nemesis> *Loses and just watches*
[02:25] Hastur> Right.
[02:26] Metatron> *so, assuming Hastur is -wearing a shirt-, angelmods that off and flinches 'cause the sight of holy-water'd!shoulderblades on a demon? -- not pretty* I... 'm sorry if this hurts, but hold still.
[02:27] Hastur> *nods a bit*
[02:29] Metatron> *carefully angelmods up some bandages and -- ...antiseptic? I think he got that idea from Bertie -- and wraps bandages around Hastur's torso and such*
[02:29] Nemesis> [Neosporin, I think.]
[02:29] Hastur> *grits his teeth and kinda digs his fingernails into his palms*
[02:30] Metatron> Are -- are you all right?
[02:31] Hastur> ............................Oh, *fine*.
[02:31] Metatron> ...What?
[02:31] Hastur> What kinda question *is* that?
[02:32] Metatron> *blinks* I just mean... does that help at all?
[02:33] Hastur> Kinda. A little.
[02:33] Metatron> *sighs* I'm sorry I can't do more. *...this strike anyone else as weird?*
[02:35] Hastur> ... Right.
[02:36] Metatron> *bites his lip* You -- should be all right. Eventually. I need to go now, though.
[02:37] Hastur> Right. Bye.
[02:37] Metatron> Good night. I... well, I hope you feel better. *and hugs Nem* Good night, Nemesis. Take care of yourself. *pause* ...And of Hastur.
[02:38] Nemesis> Night Meta.
[02:38] Hastur> *snorts a bit*
[02:38] Metatron> *flames out, isn't that exciting?*
[02:38] * Metatron has left #desperatefans
[02:40] Nemesis> [Cricket chirp.]
[02:40] Hastur> *glances up at Nem* That was fun.
[02:41] Nemesis> *Raises an eyebrow* Right.
[02:41] * Rapunzel has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[02:42] Hastur> *folds his arms and rests his head on them with a sigh* That's that, then.
[02:43] Nemesis> Are you alright? I know it's a stupid question, but I think you know what i mean.
[02:43] Nemesis> *Doesn't have caps, yay*
[02:45] Hastur> He has good aim.
[02:47] Nemesis> I could say not really and get into some technical details about aim, but you probably wouldn't appreciate it.
[02:47] Hastur> ... Right. *winces a bit*
[02:48] Nemesis> I thought not. If it really hurts to move, you probably shouldn't do it.
[02:50] Hastur> Yeah. Hard not to.
[02:50] Nemesis> Good point. I'd try to heal you, but we already saw how that turned out.
[02:51] Hastur> Yeah. Don't worry about it.
[02:52] Nemesis> *Shrug* I'm just not fond of seeing people I know in pain.
[02:53] Hastur> I'm a demon. 'M used to it.
[02:54] Nemesis> Pain?
[02:55] Hastur> Yeah.
[02:56] Nemesis> *Raises an eyebrow* This bad?
[02:56] Hastur> Well... No.
[02:56] Nemesis> *Pulls hair out of face and covers up a yawn* I didn't think so.
[02:57] Hastur> Tired?
[02:58] Nemesis> A bit. Don't know why, since I've napped twice today.
[02:59] Hastur> Get some rest.
[03:00] Nemesis> Maybe I should.
[03:01] Hastur> *nods..wince!*
[03:01] Nemesis> ...don't do that.
[03:02] Hastur> Wasn't trying.
[03:03] Nemesis> ....right.
[03:04] Hastur> *sighs*
[03:04] Nemesis> *Blinks*
[03:05] Hastur> That really is it, isn't it?
[03:06] Nemesis> I really have no clue what to say to that.
[03:08] Hastur> Yeah. I know. Go get some rest.
[03:09] Nemesis> *Wrinkles nose* I didn't know you cared quite so much, but fine, I will.
[03:10] Hastur> Mmkay.
[03:10] Nemesis> What about you? Are you just going to stay here?
[03:11] Hastur> Don't much feel like moving...
[03:11] * Looking up munspy user info...
[03:12] Nemesis> *Sigh* I really don't want to leave you by yourself.
[03:13] Hastur> Why?
[03:13] Nemesis> I don't know. *Shrug* Concern, maybe?
[03:17] Hastur> Huh.
[03:17] Hastur> Well, I doubt much worse could happen.
[03:17] Nemesis> Worse than me not wanting to leave you alone in case you get hurt?
[03:19] Hastur> Worse than having appendages melted off.
[03:19] Nemesis> *Shudder* Mhmmm.
[03:21] Hastur> Stay if you want.
[03:21] Nemesis> You didn't have a choice.
[03:22] Hastur> True.
[03:23] Nemesis> At least you know.
[03:24] Hastur> Yeah.
[03:26] Nemesis> I don't really like sleeping on the counter, though. Hm.
[03:26] Hastur> Try the couch?
[03:26] Nemesis> ...why didn't I think of that?
[03:28] Hastur> *manages a faint chuckle* I dunno.
[03:29] Nemesis> *Curls up in the ball on the couch and gives him a look* *Wrinkles nose*
[03:30] Hastur> Get some rest, Doodlebug.
[03:30] Nemesis> ....Mmph. *Falls asleep*
[03:30] * Nemesis is now known as Nemesis-sleepingyay
[03:32] Hastur> *does not sleep, as yay, demons don't sleep, but... TYPIST, on the other hand, needs sleep*
[03:33] Nemesis-sleepingyay> [....I was thinking the same think, thoughtstealer.]
[03:33] * Nemesis-sleepingyay has left #desperatefans
Session Close: Sat Oct 22 03:33:55 2005

ligur, hastur, nemesis, metatron

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