Despite the lack of international economy and common 'currency', having a job is still important if you plan on being able to branch away from the pseudo-Socialist hand of the Government. You may get all your basic needs covered for free, but 'wants' as well as 'better' come at a cost. A job will earn you the most-used form of exchange known as '
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Age: 24
Education?: Yes
Previous Profession: Thug Self-employed mechanic
Skills: Dismantling, hitting things and people, pep-talking
First Choice: Demolition
Second Choice: Salvage
Third Choice: Metal Working
Anything else you might want to add: :D
HOURS: 9am - 5pm
DAYS: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Weekends? ON CALL
PAY: 25 Credits every Friday
//Don't forget to tag your job-related posts with the 'job' tag! This helps me keep track of those who are playing out their employment so I can give raises and promotions accordingly. ^_^//
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