Up for adoption

May 09, 2009 14:59

Fandom: Dresden Files/NCIS


Status: Up for adoption


Once upon a time, some sort of feline shapeshifter married into the Dinozzo line.  Their powers are somewhat based on the jaguars from Christine Feehan’s novels.  Anyway, the cat genes tend to be dominant, especially because they tend to marry into and out of other feline hybrid lines.  Unfortunately for Tony, he got the shaft.

He was about ten years old when his family came to the conclusion Tony would never manage a full shift.  Their attitude immediately took a turn for the worst, cumulating when he was disowned in his early teens.  If he had possessed more impressive powers, it might have been different, but he didn’t.  Tony has strength, speed, senses (both mystical and not), but that is about it.

After that Tony avoided the supernatural, settling in the most mundane areas he could find.  Though his lack of kith and kin kept him on the move until he started working for Gibbs.  They are his pride even if they are unaware of the fact.

Anyway, the story starts when the team is called to Chicago because of the murder of a vacationing marine.  Tony is worried because he can sense the magic at the scene.  Overhearing a conversation between Murphy and someone else, he asks to be introduced to Harry Dresden.  Paying the man to investigate, stay out of sight, and keep his team safe.  Tony doesn’t have the power to do it himself.  Bonus points if you can get Marcone into the story somehow.

NCIS finds out about magic when they are kidnapped.  Harry, a few of his friends, and Tony have to rescue them.  Tony finally manages to transform when one of his teammates is in danger.  Large kitty-cat tears inhuman bad guy apart.  Then has conversation with everyone about his true nature.  Makes it clear the team is his family and he wouldn’t go back even if his Father begged on his hands and knees.

Have this vision of Tony sitting with his knees drawn up to his chest and muttering about himself being barely more than human (paraphrasing one of his relatives).  Freezes before looking up at Gibbs.  “Not that there is anything wrong with being human boss.”


Harry and Tony stood around the small table, looking down at the information they had collected so far.  “So,” the agent murmured.  “This fellow Roberts had connections with the mob.”  Maybe they had something to do with it.

The wizard immediately shook his head.  “Marcone would have never allowed this.  Thinks such things are bad for business.”  If the mob boss had gotten involved, there would have been nothing left to find.  Marcone wasn’t sloppy either.

“But he could have had it done,” Tony persisted.

Harry shrugged.  “Sure he could have,” he admitted.  Though it was still damn unlikely in his informed opinion.  “He is the free holding lord of Chicago.”

The NCIS agent looked at his companion in faint surprise.  Since when had the Windy city had a free holding lord?  “What is he?” Tony asked curiously.


The surprise turned to shock.  “Human?” Tony repeated in disbelief.  How had that happened?

“Yep,” the wizard confirmed.  “A plain vanilla mortal.”  That didn’t make Marcone any less dangerous however, and anyone who thought otherwise was a fool.
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