Dec 20, 2006 03:28
DezIsEvil667: So Britany Spears interuppted my fucking tattoo
vampyreengel: what?
DezIsEvil667: Yeah
DezIsEvil667: Dirt is in the middle of preparing for my tattoo, when Britany walks in, and 35350989846 paparazzi are outside taking pics of all of us
DezIsEvil667: it was so fucking...ugh.
vampyreengel: oh god lol
DezIsEvil667: but yeah, she actually was super nice, and I kinda liked her though I hate to say it.
vampyreengel: lol
DezIsEvil667: so now I can't be such a douche....but she did still interrupt my fucking tattoo
vampyreengel: hahahaha
DezIsEvil667: Why do I want to live in God Damn Hollywood again?
vampyreengel: lol, i dont now, you tell me