Jul 31, 2007 00:40
I think we all have them.
Just when you think you have gotten over the ordeal...it comes back and haunts you in your dreams...OR you will be driving down the road and passing a place and hear a song and there is NO way in hell you can't not think of them..or when another friend or family member asks about them. The worst is when you have one of those dreams that lasts ALL night and the next day for at least an hour you can't stop thinking about that person because your gut is just torn up from the dream..and there is nothing you can do about it. It seems like the main questions that runs through my head are 1. Are they happy? 2. Do they think about me? 3. Do they miss me? 4. Should I have tried harder? 5. Is there ever a chance of it being right somewhere down the road? Sadly, most of the time I think the answers to at least half of them are no.
There are certain people that have come in gone in my life. However, there are two people who I miss more than ever sometimes and I know we can never be friends again. I think that's what hurts the most. It's almost like they died...and death is always tragic.