Randomized Updating

Jul 06, 2010 01:02

Warning: These Thoughts May Make Your Head A'Splode

  • 10:40 Good morning world. Nice to see its hot as balls outside at 11:30... Dunno if I coulda handled the chill of a 60 degree morning... #
  • 13:25 twitpic.com/22q4pu the J.J. Gargantuan. Hell yes. #
  • 13:49 @ Kablappy they want to watch cuz yer HOT, girl! Hot chick smoking weed is like a huge turn-on to hetero men! #
  • 16:13 Why do I always get the black men who think everything I say is a racist comment? ;.; I didn't imply you couldn't afford it, just saving U $ #
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