Come Christmas Morning 2/5?

Nov 29, 2011 17:10

Name: Come Christmas Morning
Summary: Snape died during the final battle but he wanted nothing more than to live, if only to be with his Love.  Now four years later Harry's twin daughters have sent a letter to Santa asking for their Papa "Who Loved Daddy like no one else."  How can Old St. Nick  say no to that?....
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter nor am I making any money from this.

Warnings: Sex, M-Preg, Sodomy, Other stuff... ;)

Rating: R, NC-17

Part 1/5

Chapter 2: Here lays….

Here Lays Severus T. Snape
A Hero
A Friend
A Master
A Servant
A Snarky Git
A Lover
A Father...
May He Rest In Peace

Harry read the inscription on the tomb again, the 'Git' part had been the twins idea, but Harry didn't mind, it was the truth. Everything written on it was the truth.

They had gotten together in the middle of Harry's six year with the help of their friends and family. The teachers had approved after many promises of no favoritism and the headmaster had congratulated them with a mad twinkle in his eyes. Even with the treat of the escalating war the two had the happiest moments in both their lives.
It wasn't until the night before Harry had had to leave to hunt for the last two Horcruxes. that they took the final step into their relationship.

~ Harry and Severus walked side by side towards their shared chambers. They had made all of the plans needed to find and destroyed the last two pieces of Tom's soul and as agreed, the Golden Trio would be leaving tomorrow. They reached the portrait and it opened for them with a quick word from Severus, then closed with an audible click behind them. Harry reached for Severus' hand and quickly embraced him. They both felt the warm and comfort that could only be provided by the other seep into their hearts. Potion stained fingers lifted Harry's chin. Onyx eyes meet emerald pools and they were both lost. Lips meet against lips with desperation and need. Severus' tongue ran across Harry's lips, who quickly granted entrance, the kiss deepened and nimbler hands undid buttons and removed clothing.

Harry had no idea how it happen but he found himself spread out on Severus's bed, naked as the day he was born. He took in the sight of his equally naked soon to be lover. His body well toned and defined, muscular but not overly so, almost like a swimmer's body. His arousal standing proud at twelve inches long and almost two inches thick, hard and dripping.

Severus climbed on top of Harry, who spread his legs to accommodate him. Their lips meet again, their need for each other almost like molten lava, slow and burning. The first touch of their arousals caused them both to moan at the contact. Severus slowly lifted himself from the kiss and slowly traced the shape of Harry's jaw before nibbling on an ear, eliciting delicious sounds from the young men who trusted his hips up in desperation. Severus kept his slow descent down Harry's body, worshiping every piece of skin he could find, first with his fingers and then with his mouth. The first taste of Harry's essence nearly throw him over the edge, only years of self-control kept his orgasm at bay-for now. A quick Accio broth him a bottle of lube. After quickly and completely covering three fingers he wasted no time in taking is lover whole into his mouth. The loud and desperate sounds falling out of his lovers lips brought a smile to his face. Making good use of the distraction he quickly pushed a finger pass the ring of muscles. It wasn't long before he had all three fingers sliding in and out, Harry trusting back to meet them.

He carefully removed the fingers, chuckling at Harry's protests that were quickly silence when he felt the blunt, hot point of Severus' arousal push against his well stretched opening. Harry gave a forceful thrust back, both men moaning at the sensation. Harry had never felt so full in his life, and Severus had never felt anything like Harry's tight channel constricting around him. Another thrust of Harry's hips was his cue to start moving. Slowly taking out his hard dick until only the head was in before quickly trusting back in. The pace was set, the sound of skin against skin and their intertwining moans that consisted of each other's names mixed with unrecognizable words were the only things heard.

It didn't take long for the both of them to get to completion. With a loud cry of "SEVVY!!" from Harry and a quiet whispered of "Harry" from Severus.

They woke up twice during the night to repeat their actions, neither of them wanting the morning to come. ~

harry potter, slash, harrypotter, snape, snarry, come christmas morning

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