Game Idea

Jun 05, 2008 00:31

ps: snake needs some shades and patterns on scales could resemble tatoos

Just had an idea for some platforming mechanics. You're a snake who eats fruit to get bigger. Yes like the snake game. The player only has control of the head as you platform jump with your tail tracing your positions. Let's say that stomping baddies causes you to eat them.

The tail is your most important tool. When you are long enough you can perform self jumps to reach high platforms. It would be cool because you would have to plan out very high self jumps so that can can climb higher on your tail and you would have to finish your self ladder before the end of your tail catches up.

Another idea would be getting the ability to bite your tail and turn yourself into a giant wheel. These could become driving sequences. Not to mention giant spring or the ability to make your head and tail switch places. Each ability would have length min and max or some would just get better as you get longer and others get better the shorter you are.

That would make the ability to make your self shorter useful. So how about when you eat prunes sh- hearts come out the back of you and you become shorter. Another idea would be the ability to vomit rainbows as an attack that shortens your length.

I think the final boss should be Ganesha and there would be a obligatory Longoose (long+mongoose) fights; Longoose could be a main rival who works for the enemy but has redeemable qualities.

Puzzles could be solved by using your long body to form bridges, conduct electricity, fill in a giant shoe lace, tie up the feets of a giant elephantine deity (A-wing vs AT-AT), etc. To make such feats less difficult indicators could be used to show where your head needs to go next.

Whenever you complete a level a butcher cuts off your tail and measures it for your meat score. Then he prepares to cook the tail while you, the head, goes off to start a new level. This acts as the reason why your length resets whenever you start a level.

No drugs were used in the creation of this.
Yes! Yes! Bad paint skills were.
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