
Feb 18, 2003 11:52

Misee = never loved a person as much as melissa, didnt even know what love was apparently because this is much different then what i had always imagined or assumed.

Boymagician = Cd is still neering completion beleive it or not. were actually rounding out songs that are COMPLETLEY DONE. so its coming along.

Work = sucking ball sack right now. moved over to a new system, wasnt ready, nothing works. yeah, guess who gets to play clean up..... yeah.... computers can be cushy but when it sucks... god damn....

C2.SYS = comin back apparently, not quite was was originally planned but ill give you more info as it developes.

Me = content.happy.retarded.stressed.loved.yeah

and because i dont like proclaim this enough enough i love you melissa schreiber.

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