Jul 06, 2015 19:43
America is sick - it needs to get well soon.
This past week via youtube I saw a clip of two young boys, in America, who were arrested and taken off a bus for being disruptive they had opened a window to get some fresh air as one of the boys was Asthmatic - the bus driver asked them to close the window they didn’t and the bus was stopped and they were arrested - they were 8 & 10 years old - as they were handcuffed behind their backs and sitting on the grass verge - a police offer hit one of them in the head for being lippy. The boys were black.
Some comments - if the bus driver was concentrating on his job driving a bus in traffic they would not have time to notice if a window was open or not and it really shouldn’t bother them - the window is there to be opened - if you don’t want windows opened then don't install opening windows.
If a bus driver in NZ rang the Police about boys opening a window and refusing to close it - the Police would laugh at the bus driver and tell him/her to get lost.
America seems to be hell bent on persecuting minorities and the poor for minutia - things that just wouldn’t pass as an issue in other part of the civilized world let alone become circumstance where a poor person or someone from a minority can get taken into custody and/or killed.
America is sick it needs to get well. It doesn't have to be that way.