Feb 02, 2005 10:31
shit am i bored out of my mind... school sucks, i hate these breaks i have nothing to do, yeah so for some reason i thought i had the smallest about of musical talent however sadly i now know that is not true... i guess i always knew but was kind of just kidding myself... i have vowed never to play and sing infront of another person from this point forward... i'm not good at it and it really sucks to be informed of such... so to avoid all that i think this should work, the whole not doing it therefore i won't be reminded how b ad i suck... i guess this just came to me at a bad time because it shouldn't be that upsetting just if i could do one thing well that would be what i wanted... but alas all is not lost many people can't do it, i'm just of those who can't... so what else... i bought bongo drums last night maybe i'll get good at those that would be fun... but most likely i'm just setting myself up for failure... so tired i hate this whole lack of sleep shit... to battle it up at fsc i would take naps but now that i live at home i don't... yeah i don't understand you would think it would be easier to do at home, but i should get back to sitting around doing nothing, reading your away messages, but what lj update would be complete with out the fuck girls part... so yeah females you know who you are and you suck i'm out