Test your psychic abilities at the University of Edinburgh on this novel and intriquing experiment.
Psychic Gambling Study
Comment once you've tried this out - but follow the experiment through to it's conclusion first before reading others' comments.
Otherwise what's written there may foil your ability and confound the experiement's validity.
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I've befriended you for being interesting and polite!
Steam punk, eh?
Have you read "The Difference Engine" by William Gibson and ... somebody else? It's quite good.
I liked Neal Stephenson's "The Diamond Age" a lot.
Stay cool!
been meaning to read uncle bill FOREVER but just never got around to it
maybe soon
to for getting back to me
maybe I know you
I was at UC a few years ago (but probably before you!)
have done some theatre but not professional
and am a bit of a cafe slut, tho I've never made it to babar
can you tell I've been backreading your journal... :) ?
william gibson & bruce sterling
coz he's reading over my shoulder
gwyon bach.... I've seen his comments before. The God user pic! LOL. That's it; I'm adding him too.
Looking at interests, I sure could have done with gwyon bach's moral support with the whole bi thing that upset so many friends (mostly the ones banned from/unaware of my LJ mwah ha ha ha) Diamond Age has cool body modification; as does Neuromancer. As for 'elf girls': couriernew and I had a discussion about Gelflings in a recent post of his. Gosh I miss the 80's.
Guess you know about the name thing, by now. Is there a name I can call you by, Misnim?
Quicksilver? I'm trying to finish Cryptonomicon (sp?) before I start on the Baroque cycle. It looks heavy going! I read a lot but I prefer to read more books, than long books, if that makes sense.
As for reading my back posts - don't miss the one where I mailed a self-addressed pair of my underwear to myself, or the seamonkey fiasco. That was a good one. Some of the others are a bit - melodramatic and/or self-depreciatory.
I've only been at UC two years, I did my honors there then skipped to my PhD in Communication. Ah, building 9!
I'm with the Players Company there.
I'm flattered at the 'proffesional' bit before 'theater', but really I'm a pretty shoddy actor! I have nice eyes though.
Cafe slut and never done Babar? Wow.
("Pick did you pic.... pique did you pique...". Hmm. Fun to say. Time to practice my 'K's)
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