(no subject)

Apr 28, 2007 14:37

Last week at this time I was in the middle of the most grueling hike I have ever endured. Adam and I went camping in the Catskills, and subsequently decided to go for the first hike of the season (and what, like, 4th of life?). Adam picked the hike online and neglected to tell me crucial information such as the word "strenuous" under level of difficulty, and "10 miles". I joked as we were driving towards a series of jagged, foreboding cliffs, that those were to be the ones we were going to hike up. Dammit, turns out I was right.

Yes, it was literally a scramble. We were not hiking, we were hand to foot rock climbing up a cliff face. And then back down, and then up another one, and then back down, and up the final one. And then back down, up the second one, back down, up the other one, and then back down, to where the car was melting in the sun. Oh, and I was wearing jeans. Fucking denim, people.

This is a picture of me at the top of the first cliff. Silly me, I thought we were almost done. Turns out that we were barely a quarter of the way through (and that had taken a little more than an hourish). Note the fake smile. Soon, I will not even be able to fake a smile.

I held it together for the first two cliffs. I mean, I was really having a great time, but then it was just too much. I started to lose it when Adam pointed out the final hike. I had thought we were done.

I became a miserable beast for the last hike. I hated Adam for asking me if I wanted to give up. I hated myself for wanting to to give up. I hated knowing that at the top of that damn cliff we were going to have to turn around and do it again. Adam, by the way, was still very much in tact. Hardly broke a sweat, and not breathing through his mouth, as I was. He kept getting far ahead of me, to the point where I could not see him anymore. It was around this time that I started planning the break up. I would reach the top of the damn cliff. I would succeed. And then I would dump him, with vigor, and turn around and run until I collapsed. It was, in fact, this plan that kept me going.

When we finally did reach the top I was in such complete awe over what I had just accomplished, and so grateful to Adam for having pushed me to do something I did not think I was capable of that I fell in love with him all over again. Awwww.

And look! We could see NYC from the top:

(It's sadly really hard to make out in this photo, but we really did see it)

Of course, it was kind of hard to enjoy the success from the top knowing that we had to turn around and do it all again, but it was still such an amazing hike, and I felt good about myself in a way that I have not felt in a long time. Awwwww.

We finally made it back to the car

where we did not waste any time driving 25 miles to a Friendly's for two giant, well deserved ice cream sundaes. And then back to the campsite where we roasted marshmellows and hot dogs all night.

Life outside of camping has been pretty great lately. Nothing new really, but nothing worth complaining about. I am so excited for this warm weather. It makes me want to get to Burlington so that I can enjoy a giant creemee on the waterfront.
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