NOTE: work smudged!! GRRRRRR

Apr 24, 2007 01:04

BAM! 25 hours of drawing ruined!!! maybee... ok maybee not totally ruined but man its not ever going to be as good as it could have been! im just really annoyed about it! i was oh so happy with the piece! i was loving working on it and having fun!.... i got to try and think of a way to get rid of the ink smudge mark.... bleh!! soooooo anoying!!!!!!!.............

maybee im thinking matte tip-ex as gloss is no way good! which is why i dont think paint will work either i was it as flat and minimal as possible as ot to be able to be seen! this is anoying!!...oh well on of them things i surpose! but gee i cant ever do a piece of work without screwing it up and making a mess on it somewhere it just gets me a little annoyed sometimes!.....

im going to draw on it for another hour! i aint worked on it for the last 5 hours as i've been reading making dinner and food shopping! im reading black house by stephen King which is thus far a great read....but i want to get more done to drawing...its 01:10 i should maybee go to bed but want to draw...

im 100% sure now that im going to go with making the Map of Amsterdam! so i hope in four weeks to have it compleat! its going to be my biggest challenge yet i think as its going to take one crazy amount of planning! also im thinking it will have to be slightly bigger then the other ones i have done! AHHHHHHHH....cant wait!... i was going to do another animated linomation! but feel i also want to get this amsterdam map done and have been saying i would do it for ages. i was going to try and do my website! but i do not think 5 weeks is enough time to do it justice as so am leaving it for the summer in which i hope i get it done! ok time out im off adios WORLD!!!!!
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