Drabble: Stupid, Little Girl Fantasy (Rizzoli & Isles)

Feb 06, 2013 14:09

Title: Stupid, Little Girl Fantasy
Author: dexstarr
Word Count: 250
Rating: PG
Challenge: femslash100 #354: Peace
Fandom: Rizzoli & Isles
Characters: Jane Rizzoli/Maura Isles
Warnings: None
Author's Note: Set mid 3.15: No More Drama in My Life. I dashed this one off pretty quickly, it's not beta'ed or read 500x.
Disclaimer: Not mine
Summary: Maura reflects after her "talk" with Hope.


The pillow over her face, blocking out the light of the morgue, is strangely comforting. Maura can’t believe what she said, that she shared her fantasy with Hope. The stupid, little girl fantasy that had kept her going when she was younger and feeling alone, wondering what her real mother was like.

Hope was, cliché as it sounded even in her mind, everything Maura had hoped for. They were eerily alike, and even now she couldn’t help but wonder what it would have been like, to grow up and have Hope there. Would she still have sent away for those boarding school brochures with her real mother around?

Paddy Doyle’s not my father.

The words were awfully close to what else she wanted to say: Hope Martin’s not my mother. How can Hope even ask? How can Hope care about one daughter and not the other?

As Maura waits for Jane, stretched out on an autopsy table, she feels peaceful. Peaceful, and nauseated from saying “no.” It was the wrong thing to do. She doesn’t want to hurt Kayleen-just Hope.

But when Jane says she’s proud of her, Maura suddenly feels much better. She wishes they were at home, so she could fling herself into Jane’s arms. Tonight they’ll go over the whole conversation, and Jane will tell her she said all the right things. But for now, Jane’s pride in her and her own sense of peace will help her block out Hope for the rest of the day.


year: 2013, community: femslash100, pairing: jane/maura, length: drabble (100-500), warning: femmeslash, fandom: rizzoli & isles, fic, character: jane rizzoli, character: maura isles, rating: pg

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