2012 Writing Statistics

Jan 08, 2013 22:08

Yet again, I've fallen behind on posting fics to my journal. This year I've kind of lost interest, although I'm hoping that I get my mojo back in 2013.

01: Good Girl | Harry Potter | Pansy/Hermione | 2,100 | written for hpvalensmut
02: Expectations | Harry Potter | Pansy/Rose Weasley | 950 | written for hp-kinkfest
03: The Secrecy of Numbers | Harry Potter | Septima Vector/? | 2,200 | written for dysfuncentine
04: The Art of Seduction | Harry Potter | Bellatrix/Narcissa | 1,788 | written for femmefest
05: In the Shadow of a Black Hole | Harry Potter | Andromeda Tonks/Rita Skeeter | 1,200 | written for hp_beholder
06: Pureblood Pleasure | Harry Potter | Pansy/Astoria | 574 | written for femslash-remix
07: The Best of Intentions | Harry Potter | Bellatrix/Hermione | 1,250 | written for darkwitches
08: Thistle and Lavender | Harry Potter | Lavender/Parvati | 550 | written for woldy's Informal Femslash Exchange
09: A Holiday for the Young | Harry Potter | Irma Pince/Minerva | 200 | written for hp_halloween
10: Persuasion | Harry Potter | Narcissa/Astoria | 456 | written for rarepair_shorts
11: Far Too Soon | Harry Potter | Septima Vector/Aurora Sinistra | 454 | written for rarepair_shorts
12: Reading Between the Lines | Harry Potter | Rita Skeeter/Hermione | 1,400 | written for daily_deviant
13: Hidden | Rizzoli & Isles | Jane/Maura | 250 | written for femslash100
14: Too Bad For Bo | Lost Girl | Bo/Lauren | 100 | written for femslash100
15: Different Than the Others | Bloomington | Catherine/Jackie | 111 | written for femslash100
16: Inexperience | Bloomington | Catherine/Jackie | 200 | written for femslash100
17: Right or Left, Up or Down | Battlestar Galactica 2003 | Kara Thrace/Laura Roslin | 1,200 | written for femslash12
18: The Real Holiday Festivities | Harry Potter | Aurora/Irma | 1,000 | written for samhain_smut
19: Always | Harry Potter | Rolanda/Minerva | 1,300 | written for hoggywartyxmas


Word Count: 17,283
Fics Written: 19


Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
Less. I might have dropped out of more fests than I completed. 2012 was really not a good writing year for me.

Where did you publish/archive your stories?

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Fandoms: Bloomington, Battlestar Galactica, and Lost Girl. Harry Potter Pairing: Padma/Lavender.

What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
The Secrecy of Numbers.

Okay, NOW your most popular story.
No clue. I haven't gotten a lot of comments on anything, hoggywartyxmas excluded. But everyone is very good about commenting there.

Story that could have been better?
All of them. No lie. (same answer as last year!)

Hardest story to write?
All of them. I waited until the last minute for the majority, due to a lot of annoying life events and so none are as good as I would like them to be.

Easiest story to write?
Are you kidding? Nothing is easy for me to write. (same answer as last year!)

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I tried some new fandoms, so I think I learnt that I can write other characters.

Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?
1. Update LJ with all fic.
2. Update DW with all fic.
3. Update AO3 with all fic.
4. Complete Rare Pair Shorts Table.
5. Complete Kink Bingo card.
6. Complete Dark Fantasy Bingo card.
7. Ask for no extensions in fests.
8. Comment more on fanfic.
9. Write something original.

A lot of goals, but my main one is to write more than last year. I'd like most of it to be original, but I love fandom, and I want to continue in that too. It'd be nice to finally complete a challenge!

year: 2012, writing

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