In the British comedy Red Dwarf the main character, David Lister, once made a sandwich for his roommate, Arnold Rimmer. Rimmer commented:
I could never invent a sandwich like this, Lister. You see, all the ingredients are wrong. The fried eggs, wrong; the chutney, wrong; the chili sauce, all wrong. But put them together and somehow it works. It becomes right.
The same could be said about J. J. Abrams' new version of Star Trek:
(Here there be spoilers.)
As a Star Trek movie there was much about this movie that was wrong.
The blatant product placements, wrong (although I did like the joke about Budweiser Classic). Time travel that changes history, wrong. Romulans as skinheads, wrong. The grotesque splayed mouth monster, wrong. Scotty's oompa loompa, wrong. Spock and Uhura??! Very very wrong.
Normally if a movie had all these things I would have hated it. But when you put all these things together they worked. They worked very very well. The cast was great and did a very good job of showing characters that you could easily believe were the people these people would have become had events changed the way they did. I haven't been this excited about a movie in years. I even got a group of friends to go see it again a day later at the IMAX here.
two_pi_r is right. The new Trek owns.