Mar 08, 2013 09:51
I deleted my previous entry in attempt to minimize the spread of drama. I can't say I disagree with what I said, but the issue seems to be coming to a close, and I do not wish for it to continue being drawn out.
In other news, my baby kitty is sick again. :(
Well, not really sick. Some of you may remember that she had severe gingivitis stemming from stomatitis. It's an auto-immune disorder which basically means she's allergic to her own teeth.
She had most of her teeth removed some months ago and the gingivitis cleared right up, but now that it's back again, there's a good chance she'll have to get the rest of her teeth taken out as well...
In the meantime, my poor baby can barely eat, and it clearly hurts when she does ;~; I've been able to entice her to eat only with foods that she really likes (like bits of tuna or dry ferret food) but she still barely eats anything, and this is obviously not a good long term solution.
I'm just worried as hell is all... Not eating is a really big deal for cats, and they go downhill fast.
She will have most of my attention this weekend and probably into next week after her vet appointment, but I'll be available for most usual contact.