Oct 06, 2004 00:19
First things first...I get a wake up call from my favorite place, The Home Depot, this morning and they ask why I'm not at work and I explain that I wrote down my schedule for this week a week ago and I was scheduled to work 2pm-11pm today so I was sleeping in, naturally. Ken, my store manager said I was on the schedule for 4am-1pm. I didn't know what was going on and he didn't know so he just said come in as soon as I get a shower and can get there. So, with a very bad attitude, I get out of bed and get to work. I looked at the schedule that is posted for the world to see by the break room; the same schedule that I got the 2-11 shift from, and it says 9-6 for today! I know for a fact I didn't look at the wrong schedule because I am very careful now to get the right one because I have looked at the wrong schedule before and got a phone call for that too. It wasn't my fault this time. So what we have here is 3 different shifts that I am scheduled to work for Tuesday. Anyone see anything messed up about that? So I stuck it to the man and worked 10-7 today and left people trying to figure out what has happened. Thanks Home Depot for making my life so exciting...SIKE!!!! You know, we usually have the next two weeks schedules up and I write them down and try to have some sanity in my daily life and try to work around work to do things I enjoy and then Home Depot comes along and takes a crap in my mouth (that's gross).
That was bad news and the title of this entry says good freakin' news so here's the kinda good news. After hanging out with Brad the Dad tonight and watching the VP Debate on Foxnews, I came back to my apartment and was about to call Eric (drummer) so see if anything changed since last night. Eric beat me to it and I get a call from him right as I was dialing his number. He informs me that he just left JD's house after a long talk. Come to find out JD completely disagrees with Josh and evidently told Josh that his idea is not a smart one for right now. So JD is on our side and the odds are in our favor of getting through this ordeal cleanly and still be a band and more importantly friends. JD in no way thinks that anything should not be equally divided amongst us all and no matter who writes the song, we all make it the song if you get my drift. He says we are a band and always have been ever sense the four of us came together with a dream and a passion for worshipping our God through music. JD is now fed up to the point, after hearing Eric's and my thoughts, that he will bail if this ordeal continues and JD and Josh are best friends. And there is so much more to this that involves contracts and finance that would become a mess that none of us think Josh knows how to handle, much less what it involves.
First of all:
- We are not making enough steady income at the moment for this to be an issue.
- We are not as close to "making it" as any of us think, much less Josh seems to think
- We are friends and this is not how friends should treat each other.
- We are brothers in Christ one of us seems to be losing focus on the dream of doing what we love for the rest of our lives but more importantly, the ministry aspect of this.
- There is too much on track thinking going on. We are a band...not separate entities.
Second of all:
None of this should even be an issue at this point in time. I know I said that earlier, I just couldn't think of a good "second of all" Deal with it.
I'm very glad, as are Eric and JD, this is happening now instead of a year or two from now because if we can work through this with the Lord's help, then we for sure can conquer most everything that is ahead and will be confident in doing so as friends and confident in our faith.
There is still some tension and I am being very cautious and aware of what is going on because the whole losing money aspect of this is still a posibility. I'm praying and trusting that God will be glorified no matter what the outcome may be. It's tough to not be bitter right now, but I'm really more disappointed this is happening, but like I said, I think it'll be ok after we get together as a band and talk it out. We'll see come the end of the week. If it's not trouble I'd appreciate any prayers because I realize this is some intense spiritual warfare that is going on and I think Satan is attacking because God is blessing us and good things are happening. That's just how that big crap goblin works. Romans 16:19 says... "The God of Peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." I trust he'll do that.
Have a great night! I'm praying for all of you and cherish each and every one of you. Praise God for never ceasing grace...and amazing friends!!
In His loving grip, Carson