More Discussion-y Things

Mar 27, 2013 12:06

Some lovely questions already posted by darling_ashes so I will try to be creative and original with my own. Maybe blend a little meta in...


In their positions as head of the House and chief of security, how do you think they fulfilled their roles as caretakers?
Were they just doing what needed to be done to keep the House running, or did they go out of their way to provide for the Actives and other employees?
Dominic calls Actives pets, do you think that means he was too far removed from them in order to protect them, or that helped him in his job?

Along that vein, how would you view them as parents?

[fanfic spoilers]
The Battle For Britain by morgan72uk and rogoblue handles it in a way I find particularly believable, with Adelle needing something more than just motherhood and a home life.
Do you think they both could settle into roles as parents, either in AU or in canon? How do you think they would handle that together?


If they had developed a romantic relationship at the Dollhouse, how do you think that would have affected their work? Would Rossum have cared/interfered? How would the other employees react? Would they try and change their working relationship to make the romantic one easier or vice versa?


How did they reach the positions they have within the show?
What took Adelle from her research and made her work at the LA Dollhouse?
How long do you think Dominic worked for Rossum as a spy before coming to the Dollhouse? How did he achieve the job of head of security?

What are your head!canons for their personal histories? Family, career, upbringing, etc.

I have a head!canon for Adelle which involved her having lost a young child, either while married or in some kind of long term relationship, and when that fell apart after the child's death, Rossum swooped in and offered her a job. When I'm feeling particularly depressing, I imagine it was a young boy named Christopher, just to add more angst to her relationship with Topher.

d/d celebration week, discussion

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