REWATCH POST - 2.11, 2.12 and 2.13

Mar 23, 2013 22:33

This is up reaaaaally early, but I'm cramming some homework right now which means I'll definitely not be able to wake up on time to post this, so... yeah (also, check out the header of the comm, my userpic, the pic of the mood and this .gif)

REWATCH POST - 2.11 'Getting Closer', 2.12 'Hollow Men' and 2.13 'Epitaph Two'


Getting Closer

1. Looking back at the events unfolding before this episode, at what point did you think Adelle really got the serious about bringing down Rossum? Was it really in Stop-Loss, where she did her Shower of Shame, or do you think it's way, way before that?

2. A lot of old faces are back in this episode. Which character's return made you feel really psyched (ya know, aside from Dominic) and which storyline of those old faces made you feel really bummed out?

3. How awesome was the DeWitt/Dominic flashback in 'Getting Closer'? In retrospect, did you expect that the last scene we'll ever have of them together onscreen is the scene where they're standing beside each other, in front of an elevator and smirking at the camera?

4. Dominic in his Attic Tron Suit of Doom. Discuss. (Speaking of the Attic Tron Suit of Doom, have you listened/read the transcript of RD's first podcast ever? Check it out)

5. Adelle sending Dominic back to the Attic. Why??? (Discuss)

6. Was Dr. Saunders triggered to kill Bennett? Or has she been a Clyde/Dr. Saunders' hybrid when she returned to the Dollhouse?

7. Saunders/Boyd (or was it Saunders-Clyde/Boyd?). Any thoughts on the ship, how it started, how it ended, what it could have been?

8. How did you handle the big reveal? How did that affect your feelings in the scene where he shot Clive Ambrose with Adelle coolly looking on like the magnificent queen that she is?

Hollow Men

1. Adelle holding a bigger gun than Ballard! How's that for a B A M F?

2. What did you think of Boyd's speech about how he pushed Adelle and Topher and they rose to the challenge and his family speech? Do you think he noticed the horrified reaction from Topher, Adelle and Echo when he said that speech?

3. Boyd Langton: paranoid with "pure" intentions or just plain crazy?

4. How awesome were Amy Ackers and Enver Gjokaj in this episode? (Very)

5. November's end-- did any of you feel a bit let down that she killed herself because of Paul? Why or why not?

6. Topher wiping out Boyd in the end-- did you feel it was apt that he was destroyed by the tech he created?

Epitaph Two

1. Laurence Dominic: dead or alive?

2. Since we didn't see any other Boyds in this episode, is it safe to assume that Boyd didn't use the tech on himself (although his absence from the scene where Topher demonstrated to Ballard and Adelle his invention to knock out the Actives in 2.05 seem deliberate)?

3. Any thoughts on the Paul/Echo ship at this stage?

4. Taking the relationship of Priya and Tony from Epitaph One, how did you react when you saw the state of their relationship in Epitaph Two?

5. Speaking of relationships, Were there any relationship changes that surprised you?

6. What was your reaction when Adelle wanted to stay with Topher when he told her of his plan?

7. Do you think Alpha reverted to his original personality after the explosion?

8. Adelle Dewitt, Queen of the World (or Los Angeles). Discuss.

I know I'm missing a lot of discussable things, so feel free to bring up everything you want to discuss (unless you want to reserve that for the Meta Day ;D)

DeWitt/Dominic Celebration Week starts tomorrow!

discussion, rewatch

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