Computer Woes

Jun 22, 2008 12:25

This week has been quite insane at my work.  The assistant manager went on vacation, so I've been the keyholder in his place, and it's been quite hectic having to take care of extra things.  Looking back at this week, for some crazy reason nobody has bought a computer from me, even though I've pitched a bunch of them and my co-workers have closed deals.  In my business a chunk of my pay is based on how much I sell, so I'm kind-of in the toilet right now.  I've had 3 systems stuck on my bench since Wednesday, because they've had hard drive issues and cd-rom issues, so it's made fixing them a painstakingly long process trying to get the data moved around stuff while dealing with even more distractions than ever.  For the longest time I've had Thursday off, but decided I wanted a change of pace, so starting this week I'll have Sunday-Monday off.  Hopefully more relaxation will help me be more on my toes during my work week.  But I'm planning on going in tomorrow for a couple hours to put the final touches on those 3 problem child computers so I can have a fresh start on Tuesday.

In hiking news...  I went out and picked up Levi since Fry was working late last night, we picked up Wally and headed toward the mountain.  We were going to try for Willow Heights, but since it was almost 9 and the sun was starting to set, I made a quick destination change again and we went to Bell Canyon.  We got up to the little reservoir there and it was crazy full, the fullest I've ever seen.  We hiked up the side and onto a trail I had only been on from the other direction that looped around the reservoir.  I was like "we can just loop all the way around"  Silly me for forgetting the rushing water, we got pretty much all the way around and there's a place where you normally walk over these rocks where the water is trickling into this stream, well those rocks ended up being all under water where it was a rushing river instead.  Someone had stuck a little log across to cross it, but half of it was under water, we were so close to making the loop but decided we didn't want to risk falling in and getting wet, or just wading across, so we went back around the way we came.  When our side trail emerged from the darkness onto the main trail, there happened to be a couple girls going up the main trail right there.  We were a bit surprised and I was like "Boo!" we had a quick laugh, chatted for a second and continued on our ways.  Good times.  :)

Wally just called and wants to go on a hike in an hour or so here.  He wants to do Grandeur again, but who knows if we'll change our minds at the last second.  So far he's the only one that has expressed interest, I wonder if we'll find some other peeps to join us.
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