
Jun 09, 2008 11:59

Mission Accomplished:  Grandeur Peak

Sam, Andy, Wally and myself conquered Grandeur peak for the first time this year yesterday, which was awesome.  Partway up Andy was starting to say "I don't think I can go to the top" but we kept encouraging him and taking breaks, so it took a while to get up there.  Sam was getting antsy about stopping toward the end so he was like "I'm just going to keep going" so I stuck with him, and we got to the point where we were on the next ridge looking back at their small figures arriving at the previous one.

Sam said he wanted to jog all the way down and he wondered if Andy was going to keep up.  I told him that I would keep up, but he took off so fast and I stopped for a second to tie my shoe so I lost him.  I stopped and sent out a mass-txt on the last ridge where you could see the valley and invited people to play poker.  While it was sending both Andy and Wally passed me going down.  Afterwards I took off running, skipping, jumping, galloping down the mountain, I passed Wally before too long.  Then a bit further I heard the jingle of Andy's pants running down the next switchback, he was trying to stay ahead of me, but I ended up passing him too.  He said he hadn't caught up to Sam at all, so I kept running for a while and then waiting for Andy to catch up.  Sam was chilling at the bottom picnic area by the road, and said he'd been waiting there for 1/2 an hour, if so he was going super fast non-stop.  :)

Aside from that accomplishment, the rest of my long weekend has been a bit disappointing.  Sam told his brother he'd go with him to the Trapp Door Sunday for the gay pride night.  He wanted all of us to go and kept saying "If you wear a speedo you get in free and get 10 free drinks."  Well I couldn't really afford another bar night, I have nothing against gay people and support their rights and decisions, but didn't want a bunch of drunk guys in speedos trying to hit on me or something.  He was going to see if people wanted to come play poker if it was too crowded or lame or something.

So in the past 4 weeks, we've only had a poker game actually come together once, last week.  A few people just showed up to hang out, which is cool.  The idea of poker night for me is to have people come hang out that don't usually come over otherwise.  But I think a lot of people have gotten annoyed at how many smoke breaks people want to have and how slow the drunk or high people play sometimes, so they've stopped coming.  Other people work early in the morning or live on the other side of the valley, and just don't come anymore.  Even though I posted on Myspace and Livejournal about it, nobody showed interest.  I've tried a couple times to host a game on Wednesday or something mid-week, but that hasn't panned out either lately.  It's a bit depressing when things don't work out.  I'm about ready to give up on it.

Sam and Andy went with me to Dark Arts on Saturday Night.  Normal club nights I've been lagging and don't get there till 11ish, but made it a point to get there early enough to see Redemption to support Jeremiah and his band.  It's the first time I've actually paid to get into Dark Arts.  I chatted with a few old friends I haven't seen for a long while.  I also saw a few old flings, and Lacey was there.  It's the first time I've seen her since I stopped playing her games and called it quits.  She looked good and was having a good time.  Which made my emotions all wacked out.  I just wanted to run away, but part of me wanted to talk to her.  I really miss the physical attention and the sex, and was half tempted to ask if she wanted to just do me.  But I don't want to tumble back down into the drama hole we were living in.  I wish I could find a new girl to play with.  It sucks being so lonely.

Except for going to pay a bill, I have nothing going on today.  I took this long weekend vacation and don't have much to show for it, spent most of it bored on my computers.  Tomorrow I start my 5 days of work in a row at 8AM.  Which means I'll be off in plenty of time to go to Piper Down and play poker if Rhett wants to go (he has the membership).

Oh yeah, yesterday one of my recent fillings fell out while I was eating.  If I would have woken up earlier I probably could have gone to the dentist today, which I dread greatly.  I'll have to call them and tell them about it, but the earliest I can make it in would be later today or next week.  I don't know if I want to go through that agony today, because even though there is a hole in my tooth, there is no pain.  It took them 2 hours to do fillings in this 1 section of my mouth, and I got a sore on my lip from how long it was stretched out and probably how dry it got, that sore just went away, I don't want it again.  I hate dentists so much I searched till I found one that is sympathetic to dental phobics, he was a really nice guy when I went in for my first visit on a Tuesday, so I decided I should get all my work done there.  Since I have Thursday off, it's a different dentist running around the place, and he doesn't seem very caring at all.  He cares more about chatting with the assistants about all the dental world gossip than he does in comforting the patient.  It's dentists and doctors that don't give a shit that make me hate the whole concept of going to see them and trust them to not cause future problems.  Grrrrr.  Maybe I'll have to change around my days off so I can see the dentist I intended to see in the first place.  Anyone know any super-awesome-fast-but-sympathetic-to-phobics dentists or doctors out there?

If you clicked the cut to read this far, thanks for caring enough to read my venting.  :)

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