Well its been a month since I left home. Only 11 more months (in
Australia) to go doesn't time fly when... ummm... you're working!
Name 4 things you have done over the past month? Come on there must
have been at least 1 thing a week that you have done that has been
memorable... No? Well I know what you mean because the past 2 weeks has
been... well... just work. Which means I have nothing interest to write
about so I am now doing that same old LJ mindless posting about nothing
in particular rubbish that everyone loves so much. What I really need
to do is find something to whinge about particularly if this thing makes
my life miserable so I can really vent and cry about it on the www.
Right, ill stop now... sorry what was that? You really want to here
about my exciting office life? Oh Ok then seen as you all asked so
Well my Monday to Friday 9-5 life is the usual hassle of answering a
phone, shuffling paper, looking busy and generally trying to find ways of
entertaining myself like bending paper clips into unusual shapes and
seeing how many sheets of paper you can staple through before busting the
stapler. If only I could find some blue-tac I could waste hours!
For those of you thinking it would be nice to work in another country I
can tell you this, it's the same. The weather maybe nicer (except for
most of last week as it was over cast and rainy and considered to be
freezing at 21oC) but what does it matter when you're locked into an air
conditioned office for 8 hours of the day?!? "But it's so much nicer
when the sun is shining!" I hear you hark. Try blistering 30oC come mid
day then see how you feel about it! Nasty, uncomfortable, sweaty heat.
"If your complaining about the sunshine then why did you go to
Australia one of the hot countries?" Because I can! (See, I have an answer
for everything!) Oh look at me being terribly British and taking about
the weather! I now fancy a cup of tea and a scone.
Everyone in the office is the chatty/talkative type and there are only
12 of us locked away on the 6th floor, which makes a huge change from
the people farm style call centres I've previously worked in but the
noise level is about the same. Mornings here are generally a discussion
about what excuse to use to have a mid morning coffee break and then
drawing straws to see who gets to go and convince the boss that it's a
good idea, not that he needs much convincing. We stand around, eat cake,
drink tea and try and make it last an hour without any of those
difficult awkward silences that might give someone a reason to go back to
their desk. Entertainment for our skiving is usually in the form of bully
of co-workers.
Right so what do you do in Aussie land to fill a bank holiday weekend?
(Sorry its called a 'public holiday'... i don't know, foreign countries
and there strange terminology! Only people that work in banks have
bank holidays?!?!) You sit around and drink Goon that's what you do.
Goon is the cheapest, nastiest, foulest chemical ridden wine you could
possibly ever have the miss fortune of getting drunk on. Its about 12-14$
(6-8quid) for 4 litres. Yes that is a lot of Gooning for your pound!
It's the sort of stuff that you would imagine tramps drinking.
Backpackers are the next smelliest things to a tramp there for we drink it. I
don't think I have felt so generally run down though drinking since I
was a just a wee nip of a lad and discovering alcohol! Its not as if I
have been hung over just more of a feeling of wanting to leave my body
because I have broken the one I have. So the rest of the weekend was a
walk around Kings Park, which has stunning views over looking the river
and the city (pics to come) also spent a day on the beach.
Oh and Koreans are bad bad people. They make you stay up and play
drinking games until well past bedtime on a school night. Ten of us with a
foot, a hand and our foreheads on the table trying to bounce a coin
into a cup at gone 3am was all so terribly childish (yes I have photos).
Ramble, ramble, ramble...
Did I mention the weather?