Pours a deep, almost opaque red. Very little carbonation visible and a very small head.
First sip: Strong malt, with chocolate, coffee flavours up front. Very little hops - enough to put a very mild woody bitterness on the swallow. None of the flavours last long. Mild carbonation tingle on the tongue. Quite warming in the belly.
I know it sounds a little insipid, but this is a very drinkable beer. It goes down well, maybe a little too fast, and leaves you wanting another sip as soon as you finish the last. The dark maltiness wants me to linger over the brew, but I find myself halfway through the glass in no time at all. This is a yummy beer which leaves you warm in the belly.
Make that 2/3 of the way through the glass.
Dark Ale
Longstocking Brewery, Pambula, NSW
4.8% alc/vol
330ml bottle
Same again, sir? Yes please! (bugger. Finished this one already.)
Crossposted from Dreamwidth.