Around The World In 80 Beers Episode 200: Longstocking Kolsch Lager

Mar 02, 2019 16:36

Pours a clear amber with a smallish head. Some carbonation visible in the glass.

First sip: mild malts up front with a very mild grapefruity after-taste. A small amount of hops which is barely noticeable at first but lingers on the back of the tongue long after the swallow. Medium mouth-feel with a tingly carbonation on the tongue. Nice beer burp.

Technically it shouldn't be called a kolsch because it wasn't brewed in Cologne. Never mind - this is a very yummy brew. It goes down very easily and is warming in the stomach afterwards. Highly drinkable, and best enjoyed ... well, anywhere really. At the brewery on oyster night would be best, but at home in front of the PC playing Kerbal Space Program is great, or watching telly, or at a BBQ would be fine.

Kolsch Lager
Longstocking Brewery, Pambula, NSW
4.6% alc/vol
330ml bottle

Same again, sir? Oh yes!
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