...Then this is what you do when not feeling very "bloggish"
The Goldstream valley from Ballaine road looking east south-east. Our house is on the south side of the largest hill to the right.
Yep, just what it says.
The Halloween Jack-o-lantern. Looking slighty skull-like after a dusting of snow. Daphne set this out in hopes of a wandering moose snacking on it. No takers yet on the dessicated, frozen globe.
The full moon from our deck (gamma slighty increased)
A fiery sunrise...also from the deck (I wasn't the only one impressed by this. A picture appeared in the News-Miner the next day.)
This is what happens when the resident primates abandon their favorite chair. The dog, you will note, is teeming with arcane power of a canine nature...or maybe it's just the camera flash.
And, for the family...
The kiddo, looking pleased as punch.