Wierd Dreams

Feb 24, 2009 20:50

I had a wierd dream last night.. actually 2, 1 of which im not surprised i had.

The first dream is the one that's so confusing to me. The dream was basically normal, as in nothing strange or otherworldly happening.. except one odd thing was different in that world. Somehow i was dating Rachel. Kinda strange, i used to like her. The reason its odd is because I've been over her for the past 5 months or so. Now the thing is the imagery in my dream didnt actually involve Rachel whatsoever but my mind was literally under the belief that she and I were dating. That's all for this dream, i only posted it because i know Rich doesn't read livejournal anymore and Rachel doesn't have one.

Now, for the second dream I had. This one didnt surprise me because I've been watching Dragon Ball Z episodes online for the past few days. So it's not a big shock when i have one about it. Somehow I was in the DBZ world with the "Z fighters" (just cause i dont feel like typing names) and we were in HFIL (Home For Infinite Losers, originally the place was Hell but Cartoon Network didnt like Hell apparently). Basically we were all running around some sort of Gauntlet cause we were trying to make our way back to Earth cause some bad guy was terrorizing the planet.... I woke up before we made it out of there. Im actually hoping i have a continuation of that dream tonight lol.

Anyway those are the dreams I had. I cant find any underlined message with either of them even though it's said that dreams are never literal, there's always some hidden message. Still i dunno if that goes with thoughts in the dream or just the imagery.
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