Sep 04, 2007 02:33
Modern art is bullshit. A majority of the famous 20th century artists were on drugs, and as a result their art looks like it was made by a fucking speed freak. Which it was. Why is this stuff considered so important? Not only has artistic skill become meaningless, but people think these people were geniuses breaking down barriers and changing the definition of art or whatever because they have to spend hours trying discern any sort of meaning out of finger paintings. All of the famous modern artists were high, drunk, or insane, and I'm expected to look up to them. I literally have to bite my tongue to keep my self from calling my classmates out as they make up some deep meaning for the piece of trash they threw together in the ten minutes before class and turned in as their assignment. Which of course the teacher thinks is just BRILLIANT. What a sad era for art.
I refuse to argue with people about what is art and what isn't. The word has been redefined so many times I don't even know what it means anymore. Though I can say with confidence that art should not be about shock value and I despise any "artist" who makes that their purpose. Anyway, whether it's art or not, it can still be a piece of shit.
I cannot say enough how much contempt I have for my peers at this school.