(no subject)

May 03, 2006 22:27

Broke up with Rob. No big deal.
I guess.

Just kinda, rains on your parade. You know?
Like ... I felt all destitute and hopeless,
that there was no one out there.
Idk, that was just conditioned into me.
That no one really cared,
after all the shit I went through with people before.
But then Rob asked me out.
And I was happy.
And that made me hate people less.
And start getting along with more people.
So I've made lots of friends out of it.
So the more I think about it, the more I got than lost.
So I'm actually still really kinda happy.
Cause I learned people really do care about me,
and I don't annoy as many people as I thought,
and people who I thought were friends aren't really,
but people who I know are friends still are,
and are even closer now.

There's a lot of people I haven't seen lately, tho.
Got to see Elise and Tom and Sarah and Eric and the baby yesterday.
That made me happy :) I hadn't seen Sarah or Eric since before they had Hunter.
And I hadn't seen Elise since we hung out a few weeks ago.
And I hadn't seen Tom since break when I saw him at the mall.
So I'm seeing more of the people I know well and less of the people I need to get to know more, haha. Shit happens.

Prom is Friday.
I'm gonna put a list of shit I have to do here, since I'll forget otherwise.
-bring clothes to school to paint in
-stay late to wait for bob
-go to work and get check
-get flower shit
-ask laura about the camero and if its out of the shop
-hand in permission slip
-figure out what im doing with sarah saturday,
and buy hair dye :)

Can't wait to freaking dye my hair.

Alright. going to finish this shirt thinger I have to do and go to bedddd.
Night loves.
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