My Mr. Super Clear is on the way so hopefully that'll be here soon I'm so ansious to start on Samara's face-up. I'm planing to make her really gothy looking . Thats what I had orgninaly planed for Claudia but over time her personality didn't fit that at all, even with her clothes she likes more modern things now.
It will take some time to get Samara's look fully together, I still need to order some light gray eyes for her and a wig. I was looking on Soul Doll's site the other day (I love they're eyes) and I'm torn between a light gray and a light greenish color. They're both beautiful I might try to get them both, Vincent could use a new pair of eyes to wear too. His headcap is on so tight though I can't get it off. I found a totrial awhile ago that shows how to loosen it up by taking off the feet but I've been to nervous to try it lol. Eh I'll get around to it one day.
Also I was looking through some pictures today and found a few random pictures I don't think I ever posted.
There's Vinceent with my Sun Conure Louie, they were enjoying the evening sun shine together
And Claudia's butterfly design tattoo, I did that tattoo months ago and took this picture a few days ago. The tattoo has chipped some and needs to be touched up. But Claudia loves it and wants an oriental style dragon on her back next. I wish I knew where to get that copy paper stuff they use when doing real tattoo's. That would be really helpful so I could draw the dragon out like I want it then apply it to her back (if it would even work on resin) and then paint over it. I wonder if that would work.
Oh and before I go, anyone know about how much it will probably cost to ship something light (like an accessory or wig) to the US from Luts? All I ever ordered from them were dolls so I was wondering about how much i might cost for shipping something small.