`451 - my biggest weakness

Jul 07, 2008 23:25

Apart from being the very obvious sloth, my biggest weakness is probably -ok i don't know how to describe this in a few words-. It's so ironic that every time I start off on a clean slate (ie. having nothing to lose), I will produce rather fantastic results, but when the time comes for me to sustain and further improve on these results, I somehow get cold feet, feel insecure and lose confidence in myself. I would be afraid that I can't achieve the same standard of improvement that I have shown in the initial stage, afraid of making mistakes and afraid of others' opinions of me. And eventually, my performance slides... or rather, I don't actually reach that potential that people see in me initially. This has happened time and again, and it has caused some of the biggest regrets in my life. And I'm really angry at myself for this. My pride, my fear, my insecurity and self-doubt has prevented me from achieving my fullest potential in so many damn things. That sucks very much. I'm really gonna try and change this in the future, bcos otherwise, I'll forever lead a life of mediocrity. Arghh.


And the time has come once again for Nationals. I'm really excited for the grandjuniors! Can still remember that mix of exhilaration, fear and apprehension two years ago... (time flies, eh?) ALL THE BEST TO SIS & GRANDJUNIORS! GO HWACHONG CANOEING!

By the way, the painting of toenails in alternate red and yellow is completely wtf and hilarious! (:


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