More Than Just A Sweater

Jul 05, 2017 16:07

I'm not that kind of person. The kind of person that searches for love in every nook and cranny, the kind of person who begs another to stay with them forever. To get married and live in a fantasy. No, I refuse to be that person. Still, with every new day he changes me. I used to think that I would only ever like girls, and I still do have crushes on them every now and then, but with him... it's more than a crush. He is my best friend... not the kind of friend that stays that way forever, the kind of friend that I hope will become more. It's just not that easy. It's summer now. I never see him and he's never online. I've grown lonely. Like I said, I'm not the kind to be crawling after someone else... But then again... Maybe I just never found someone to pine over. What do you think? Have you found that person yet? If you have, you're lucky. I hope you guys are happy together. As for me, I just have his sweater. Something I obtained after he forgot it at school. I kept it... it might be the only part of him I ever get, because I know his heart will always belong to another. 


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