1. Name: Adam 2. What makes you happy: Devy -always- puts a smile on my face. <3 3. What have you been listening to lately: Mary Poppins - Chim Chim Cher-ee 4. Do you enjoy reading my LJ: Always 5. If so, why: It shows me why i love you so much.
RECOMMEND 1. A movie: 'Star Trek - Generations' >=D 2. A book: Um. Can't remember the name... 'A thousand Leagues Under the Sea' ? 3. A band, song or album: Buddy Holly - All of my Love, all of my kisses. XD
PLUS 1. Tell me one thing you love about me. -- Just one..? You're so caring. 2. Tell me two things you love about yourself. -- 1)I love someone. 2) That someone loves me back. 3. Look through the comments, and when you see someone you know, tell them three things you love about them. -- Oh. I guess that's Devy? XD -1) She loves me for who i am, and never judges me. -2) She knows how to make me the happiest i have ever been. -3) She has let me discover new things about myself, and i like them..
4. Do this in your journal so I can tell you what I love about you -- and if you've already done it, tell me so, so that I can go back and give you some love. -- Of course.
2. What makes you happy: Devy -always- puts a smile on my face. <3
3. What have you been listening to lately: Mary Poppins - Chim Chim Cher-ee
4. Do you enjoy reading my LJ: Always
5. If so, why: It shows me why i love you so much.
1. A movie: 'Star Trek - Generations' >=D
2. A book: Um. Can't remember the name... 'A thousand Leagues Under the Sea' ?
3. A band, song or album: Buddy Holly - All of my Love, all of my kisses. XD
1. Tell me one thing you love about me. -- Just one..? You're so caring.
2. Tell me two things you love about yourself. -- 1)I love someone. 2) That someone loves me back.
3. Look through the comments, and when you see someone you know, tell them three things you love about them. -- Oh. I guess that's Devy? XD
-1) She loves me for who i am, and never judges me.
-2) She knows how to make me the happiest i have ever been.
-3) She has let me discover new things about myself, and i like them..
4. Do this in your journal so I can tell you what I love about you -- and if you've already done it, tell me so, so that I can go back and give you some love. -- Of course.
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