daily tweets

Mar 31, 2009 06:01

  • 15:22 Enabled "interference robustness" on the AirPort Extreme and it no longer cuts out when the phone rings or the microwave runs. #
  • 15:24 @ PaulChavady What issue might the Real Estate Commission have with a funny ad like that? Misrepresentation of personal appearance? #
  • 15:30 @ PaulChavady Glad you got the ad up. I wish I had the money to spare for a Rebel with those accessories! #
  • 15:35 @ PaulChavady I'm sick of ads that have no "spark". "I'm so-and-so and I'm a Real Estate Agent just like everyone else who has these ads." #
  • 15:59 My mom just asked for help accessing a site in IE, but IE keeps trying to use dial-up, so I told her to use FireFox and she refuses... Odd. #
  • 23:43 @ NayoNapalm Those are some wicked shoe designs, but I still don't understand the kind of insanity it takes to tolerate heels that high. #
  • 23:48 @ NayoNapalm Those street monsters are cool. I saw a shopping bag dog over a subway vent in Toronto last summer. #
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