Dec 14, 2005 07:07
This morning, as I awoke, I listened to some music I'm fond of and put into words why I enjoy listening to music so much:
Every once in a while, as I explore listening to artists with new techniques, new aesthetic formulas, new standards of normalcy, I come upon a song that catches me off-guard. Usually, this results in acquiring a strong taste for whatever that artist has to dish out for me. It can be odd at first--to listen to many tracks that don't fit with what I'm used to--but before long I become very comfortable with it, which presents me with a great satisfaction. Even more satisfying is knowing that as comfortable as I have now become with this peculiar new sound, it still stands apart from the others, and there I am, following it in a novel direction, like some kind of rogue sheep.
I never was one to hide in the middle of the flock.