Hey Dad … Remember that band that you said I was always wasting my time and money on? Remember that dude who’s name you always made fun of? Those concerts (back-to-back) you tried to tell me I couldn’t go to? Yeah, well - anyway.
Bono, you deserve it.
Incidentally; these .02 cents brought to you by the letters F and U.
Advice to Bono-Naysayers (because there are some): Sure - Hate his giant sunglasses if you want, or his leather pants, or the overexposed U2 franchise. Despise the iPod commercials of yore, hate the lemon-shaped disco ball and even hate the whole "arena rock" aspect of U2 if you wanna. Hate Zooropa or "The Fly", hate Mysterious Ways or UNO DOS TRES FOURTEEN, or Joshua Tree, but god damn - why take issue, or have problems or angst toward a man who's devoted himself to causes selflessly for damn near ALL of his life? I don't understand it. Maybe it's just human nature to find fault with those who are so out there in the media, saturating it with all their might, but I find that my ears turn completely OFF when someone has a problem with Bono, especially when they haven’t likely done even a fraction of a FRACTION of the work he’s done to better this planet we live on. Work on ending world poverty, set up and feed millions of your own rock-star dollars into funds such as Children of Chernobyl, go on missions to Africa all the time perhaps, to do what you can to end world hunger, to spread education and dispel misinformation about the AIDS crisis. When you’ve put in your hours working for Amnesty International, and you’ve logged your flight-time to third world countries, or at least given billions of your own money to various charitable organizations - hell - how about right after you start your own line of clothing specifically to provide sustainable employment and stable commercial relationships in developing areas of the world, then you can fucking bitch about Bono. I mean, come ON! Being angry, bitter, or otherwise negative toward a person who does this much good in the world is shameful. I just don’t understand it at all.
I ♥ me some BONO.