Like many people, I made a point of getting out -- and even outside -- last weekend when it was so sunny and warm. I admit, I often find this time of year disappointing -- even on those rare sunny, warm days that tempt you to go outside, the landscape is still just mud and brown grass and bare stick-trees and bird diversity is at a very low ebb. Pittsburgh doesn't even have any cool waterfalls or picturesque rock formations to break up the monotony.
But on Saturday we went to the Aviary in the afternoon. I don't care about that sloth, but I love all the birds at the Aviary. And if you actually stick around until the very end of the day, you'll see some different behaviors. In the Rainforest room, for instance -- did you know there's a cattle egret in there? I've never seen that bird come down out of the canopy during the daytime, but towards evening it'll come down and land on the walkway. And Bubba, the palm cockatoo? Bubba's actually quite the talker but I only ever hear him in the evening. ("Hey, Bubba," "Love you," "Hello," and he even says "Goodbye" and waves with his foot.)
After the Aviary, we walked up and down the riverwalk at sunset and watched the gulls come in to roost on the river at the Point.
On Sunday we went down to Duck Hollow (at the outlet of Nine Mile Run into the Mon, across the river from the Waterfront) and looked at an
American Coot. This bird is an irregular who's been living down at Duck Hollow for a few weeks even though this area is outside of both the coot's regular winter range and summer range. A new bird for the life list!
Song sparrows have been tuning up and starting to sing for territory in our neighborhood and everywhere. It's cheery!