There are times...

Jul 05, 2009 20:12

I remember exactly why I married my hubby. I mean besides the fact that he's my built in 'geek squad', he's amazingly handy, a good dad and he understands my various obsessions. (not in that order of priority, but you get the picture)

We bring our dog Cassidy to visit my dad every Sunday at the assisted living place where he's now living. My dad is on the transition floor, which houses the Alzheimer and dementia residents, so every Sunday that Cassidy comes with us, it's like the first time.

With a smile on his face, hubby answers every question they ask about the dog. His age. How long we've had him, etc. etc etc. In the sixty minutes we're there, he answers the same questions, from the same residents without breaking stride. Every Sunday. Sixty minutes. Ten residents. Do the math, yet hubby never complains. Never says let's leave, never loses patience.

After thirty years, I think I'll keep him.
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