My Achilles Leaf in Hebrew

Mar 06, 2019 21:02

I live in a never-ending quest for betterment. Currently, I'm learning (or trying to rather) Hebrew and watercolor. Neither of these have been particularly easy. The structure and use of attached articles in Hebrew is far different than any laguage I've previously attempted. I can speak English, Spanish, read a fair bit of German, and am a passable speaker of Klingon. Hebrew is about as far from any of those as one can get.

As for the watercolor, I've been doing very well, at least until today, when the lesson covered leaves. Fucking leaves. That is where I begin to have issues. It's ridiculous! Oh, well. I need much more practice anyway. Below, is my sad first attempt at simple leaves, as well as some previous lessons/practice.

As for being back in college, I am acing Algebra. That said, functions and parabolic equations can eat me. My next math class will be much easier. My second-start Gen Psychology class begins 3/20. I'm very excited, however I will be overjoyed, when I can stop worrying about these required classes and move into my Lit studies. Wait for me, my literary soulmates. It won't be long now, and then wild horses (or love) won't be able to tear us apart.

If I start my dissertation now, maybe I'll be done by time I have to defend it. Right now, I'm dreaming of a paper on the disillusionment of female authors towards the end of the romantic age. I think there will be quite a bit to unpack there. Still, I'll cross that bridge when I reach it.

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