Everyone's doin' it!

Aug 27, 2008 10:56

O.K. so, I was tagged by daltonnw to do this. He gave me the letter "J" and I have to come up with 10 things starting with that letter that I like. Here goes nothin'...

1. Japan- I want to go here so freakin' bad! And someday I will but only if I win the lottery first because I'll need to bring a ....

2. Jamillion dollars- What?! Nobody said I couldn't make up a word! That TOTALLY works!

3. Johnny Depp- if I was 13 again I would have his posters plastered all over my wall. I'm 31 though so I just have several smaller photos! hee!

4. Johnny Cash- I'm on a Johnny roll yo!

5. Joy Division- one of my favs and of course represents too many memories for me. I always cry when I hear "Love Will Tear Us Apart", 'cause I'm lame like that and someone important left that song for me.

6. Jelly Roll Morton- are gettin' how varied my musical tastes are people?

7. Jay Jay- as in Va. Yes, I can use that word! Simply because it's one of the most ridiculous made up words EVER, right after "hella"

8. Joss Whedon- 'cause I'm a huge geek and I loves him!

9. "Jumpin' Jehoshaphat"- how can you not love yelling this out?! Come on! Makes me think of my dad (where I got the gift of my retarded sense of humor)

10. Jeopardy- as in the show. I practically never know any of the answers but it's fun to play along. Unless Bino is in the room because he seems to know ALL the answers and says them much faster them me! Show off!

That was much more difficult then I thought it would be. Now as soon as I post this I'll think of a Jamillion other J words. (see, if I use it in a sentence it totally legitimizes the word!)
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