Apr 05, 2005 20:44
This is the question that haunted me 2 days ago.
Some dumb shit printed of an article I wrote about Nicole Testani, and showed it to her.
I was so embaressed, cause she came up and showed it to me!
Ok, besides from that...
My birthday party (saturday) was the best part ever. We played halo 2 for like 10 hours straight! no joke!
We played a game called zombie, and evan hid in a hole with a shotgun and we couldn't get him.
He kept yelling "get outta my cubby!" and it was the funniest thing ever!
I was the first to sleep though, and no one wanted to drink my raspberry schnops.
Today, I went to keegans. At school though, I managed to finsh my tech and religion project.
I opened my e-mail to find my friend leaving an e-mail, saying that dieting does not make you gain wait.
Unless you excersize, then it doesn't.
When you diet your body makes it more effictiant.
ok I gotta go.
Its gonna be friends only. comment if you want to be added.
-Thomas Napper-