(no subject)

May 13, 2007 21:13

weee. so.

saturday was wicked fun. i went to the mall with taylor and her cousin and her friend. it was okay. i got my mom's mother day present. which i gave to her this morning. she liked it. it was a windchime thing. then i went home.

and my parents let seamus come over for the night.
only him.!! it was wicked fun. we layed on the futon and talked and cuddled and kissed. and it was wicked cute <333

it's nice to have a change from other people, today in the car i was like thanks mom for lettin him come over. and she's like...you relaly like him don't you. and  i was like..yeah. yeah i really do. he's nice. and wicked cute. definitally a change from the boys i've liked. it's good. very good.

anyways. i'm turning my english eessay in late. cuz i don't wanna do it right now. since it's 9:30 at night. and i'm tired.

i do'nt think tiny and nicki will ever happen. but i'm fine with that. i like having tiny to myself. :]
he said i love you back to me on im for the first time in a while. it was good.  i do love him.
but not in a romantic way. like a your my best dude friend way. i think sometimes he gets that confuzed. but it's okay.

i saw danielle for the first time in a while on thursday. after my church. 
i miss her. we never hung. we always say we will. but it never happens. it's sad.

and i left my straightener on. so i'm leaving before the house burns down.

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