May 15, 2009 09:09
as of late I have expanded my music collection(still within my fave genres of course), but never before has music touched me so much, or sang to me exactly how I was feeling.
Do you ever wish you had a soundtrack playing during your day, a different song for each moment or feeling? I do. Well, as of late I ACTUALLY do have one, only because I've spent a lot of "me" time, meaning that I'm usually alone. But I enjoy it.
For instance, last night a took aside 2 hours to watch the Grey's Anatomy season finale. Boy did I cry, a lot. Not really for the fact of characters sake, but for the lessons that show teaches you about your own life.
My music and my shows are telling me more and more to appreciate what I have. Noone(that I know of) is sickly to the point of death, or leaving me or anything. But these shows, such as Grey's, make me heartbroken to think about the thought of loosing anyone I love, and in that heartbreaking moment I am perfectly happy. Happy that I have an amazing family, fantastic friends, and a guy who loves me no matter what.
Like my song is singing right now, "What if you lost everything, would there be something there to make you smile?"
If everything you loved was gone, would your memories of them/it still keep you smiling?
Appreciate this life. You only get one.